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Coronation weekend 2023

What businesses can I expect to be open/closed on the long Coronation Weekend May 6-8, 2023? I’ve been reading that Monday May 8 is a bank holiday. But should I be aware of other businesses/transportation closures over the three days?
Thanks so much, in advance.

Posted by
6113 posts

It’s too early to say at the moment, but there’s a reasonable chance that most places will be closed on the 6th. Transport may also be reduced.

I would imagine that most places and transport will run on usual Sunday trading hours and Monday maybe some closures and run as Sunday services.

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16748 posts

I was in Scotland for the Queen's funeral. Some businesses were closed for the entire day. Some were closed only during the funeral itself.

I doubt anything will be closed during the entire weekend.

A bank holiday in the UK is like a "Monday" holiday in the US--Memorial Day, Labor Day, etc. Offices and banks are closed but restaurants and stores are open.

Posted by
8346 posts

Not only on this forum, but from various sources, the opinion seems to be that far fewer businesses will close during the coronation and the following Monday than did for the Queens funeral. That was more out of respect, the coronation is just not viewed that way.

We will be "in country" during that time, my expectation is that while many things may close on the Monday, it won't be the type of places I, as a tourist, will frequent. London of course will be more affected, up in Scotland? Many may just try to ignore the whole affair.

Posted by
1711 posts

To early to say. But my suspicions are:

Crown bodies will have limited opening, that is for tourists stuff operated by Historic Scotland.
Private companies again limited opening depending on the place.

Shops will still be open, pubs and hotels still open, but TV sets will be tuned to usually BBC One unless you are in some specific pubs in parts of Glasgow where as a tourist you might not want to go.

Trains and buses will be on a Sunday service, which they would be on a normal Bank Holiday Monday, which 1st May would have been without the Coronation. These bank holidays are not the old 'everything closes' that Christmas/Easter Sunday used to be in parts of the UK. The Coronation is 6/5. everything will be as normal for a BH weekend on 7/5 and 8/5.

Posted by
847 posts

As a test I made our reservations for the Titanic in Belfast, and they sold me tickets for the 6th. We were in Shetland for the 70'th Jubilee and every government affiliated place was closed for the whole weekend.

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2 posts

Thank you for the thoughtful replies, it’s much appreciated! I knew I was jumping the gun a bit on this subject. Perhaps by April, more solid scheduling will be in place. If you hear something in the interim, please let me know, thanks. All the best-