Three of us will be traveling to Glasgow in late May for just 4 days. We would like to hire a car and driver (and tour guide) for three days for day trips out of Sterling. Can anyone recommend a company or person to contact?
That would be an expensive plan for more than one day. Here are a couple of Blue Badge Local Guides listed in Rick's chapter on Edinburgh.
Jean Blair (a delightful teacher and guide, £160/day, £380/day with car, tel. 0150/682-5930, mobile 0798-957-0287,, [email protected])
Ken Hanley (who wears his kilt as if pants don’t exist, £100/half-day, £150/day, extra charge if he uses his car--seats up to six, tel. 0131/666-1944, mobile 0771-034-2044,, [email protected]).
Auto Europe also does book chauffeur services (not licensed guides) at