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Best maps??

Hi all!!

I need more advice from past travelers :)) Can anyone give suggestions on the best maps to get for Scotland? I need a good map of Edinburgh and a GREAT driving map that will have lots of details about the roads and how to get where, etc.... Our trip is coming up soon (in June, YAY!!!!!!!!!) and would like to study before we go. We will be visiting Edinburgh, Oban, Isle of Skye, Inverness and Stirling. We are doing the main attractions and would love some interesting other places to visit. I do want to visit Finnich Glen while I am there. My friend wants to see castles. Any suggestions and advice would be appreciated as usual!!! Past advice has been wonderful from fellow forum writers/readers and has been used to help plan trip. Thank you all!!


Posted by
123 posts

We use Lonely Planet paper map and Google Map app for Edinburgh. We ordered a paper map for Scotland off Amazon. I think it was a Michelin map. But honestly, the best maps were purchased once we arrived in Edinburgh at Waterstones on Princes Street. Some hotels and newspapers stands on Royal Mile have nice maps as well.

Posted by
1573 posts

Hi, Kathy,

The very same AA road atlases that sell for 8.99 UKL in the high street shops sell for 1.99 UKL in the Tesco supermarket filling station shops. That's all you need. They are very detailed, and the 2019 edition should be available by the time that you get there.

Mike (Auchterless)

p.s.: Streetwise maps have a very nice laminated fold out map of central Edinburgh. It's about $6.00 on Amazon. You don't need the updated (2018) one, as the streets haven't changed. It's about 4 x 8 1/2 inches, so you can easily stick it in your pocket and not look too much like a tourist! :)

Posted by
233 posts

Thank you all!

Thanks for the advise about the maps!! I will look into what you have suggested. Thanks again for the help!!!


Posted by
233 posts

Hello andrew.reis,

Not much on conversation are you :))

I am renting a GPS. I still like to have a paper copy though and I don't think a GPS will help much with walking around Edinburgh.


Posted by
233 posts

Hi again andrew.reis !!

Thanks for the info. I will check into that. I get around the U.S. just fine without a GPS with an occasional assist from MapQuest (I take after my dad on that), but in a country where I have never been or had any experience with, I want to have everything I might need, or at least what my "copilot" might need :))

Thanks again for your advice!!!

Posted by
3662 posts

Also, while you're there, try the app Citymapper.
I think it's better than Google Maps.
In Edinburgh, the Lothian Bus app is good, even if you don't take buses.
Have you tried AAA for maps?

Posted by
233 posts

Yes, I called AAA and they are sending me maps and other materials. I will look into the other. Thanks!!!

Posted by
705 posts

In cities I prefer the Streetwise maps. They show every street, at least in the central areas, and have an index which has been invaluable to me. I used one in Edinburgh and most of where I wanted to go was included and easy to locate.

Posted by
233 posts


I had gotten advice on the Streetwise maps before. They sound the way to go!! I will be checking them out!!
