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34344 posts

I don't believe in MSN because of tracking it puts (or at least used to put - I don't know now but I don't go there) on computers, so I can't read the article.

I presume that it refers to blocking roads to make it easier for cyclists and pedestrians to keep safe distances.

If so, it has happened all around the UK. Near me in Cambridge and Oxford, Hitchin and Peterborough and many other towns and cities.

The road in front of Kew Gardens is now all no-parking because the council took away a lane and gave it over to cyclists and pedestrians. That is in Richmond, London.

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7302 posts

A couple streets are being blocked off, essentially, so pedestrians can social distance and so restaurants have more space for outdoor dining. One of the streets is the one that runs from the train station up to the Royal mile; Cockburn street. The other is Victoria street.

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2691 posts

it is something that has been discussed for many years in the city and certainly something i would advocate doing. i was in the area with my brother a couple of months ago at what would have been the height of the festival period, even then it was busy but nothing compared to normal and we were saying that more roads could be pedestrianised. Okay allow access by motor vehicle at certain times of day /night for places to have deliveries etc but during the core part of the day let it be vehicle free. There is not a chance of me ever taking my car into that part of the city. There is talk of doing the same for Princes street and just allowing the trams ,but that is much more of a problem as that street is the main one for buses to travel through the city and changing routes could cause major problems.