My daughter and I are flying into Edinburgh Jul 1 for 4 days before we begin a tour starting in Edinburgh and then going south to London (15-day tour). Our tour does all the Edinburgh things. We would love to go north Glosgow and as far north to see the "Must-sees" of Scotland. Not crazy about renting a car, but I wouldn't mind a 2-3 day tour up north or is it totally doable going by train and getting back to Edinburgh by Jul 6. I will welcome any suggestions... Thanks in advance!
It's certainly easy to visit Glasgow by train or bus. But how far north and what are your must sees? Have you looked at any of the Rabbies tours?
I just started looking at tours. Watched several YouTube videos on northern Scotland. I'll check in to that. thanks
Many of us on this forum love Rabbies Tours.
Fyi, Glasgow isn't north of Edinburgh. Or if it is, it's only by a few tenths of a degree, i would imagine.