I finally managed to massage days of visits with ferries and flights, and have a tentative 3 week plan for some island bagging.
I tried to keep rental cars to a minimum, but the bus connections really didn't work. We've already been to Orkney and seen all the mainland joys, have been to Shetland twice, and have been to Harris/Lewis. I know that sticking Fetlar between Foula and Fair Island is nonsense, but the flight schedules are diabolical, as they are for the Orkney north isles. This trip was going to include the Small Isles (Egg, Muck, & Canna) but we recently watched "Shetland, the Wondrous Isles" so the wife has other ideas. This will be in early May.
Fly into Glasgow from MFR/SEA, flight to Kirkwall, and drive to Stromness for 2nights. Next day includes day trip to Hoy.
Move to Kirkwall for three nights, including day trips to Eday and Sanday via ferry.
Fly to Papay, take Peedie Tour, then over to Westray for two nights. Westraak tour on Westray.
Fly back to Kirkwall, then on to Sumburgh, drive to Tingwall via market for provisioning and flying to Foula for two nights.
Fly back to Tingwall, and head to Fetlar for two nights (with a Saturday for the Community Center).
Back from Fetlar to Tingwall for a flight to Fair Isle for two nights. Old Haa or Observatory?
Back from Fair Isle to Lerwick for the Bressay ferry to get to Noss, back to Lerwick for 2 nights. No real plan for day two. My wife will find something.
Fly from Sumburgh to Benbecula, take Eriskay ferry to Barra for one night.
Explore Barra and Vatersay, then back to S. Uist for one night (Polchar?)
Up to N. Uist (Lochmaddy) for two nights, whole bunch of virtual cellphone Neolithic sites.
Off to Glasgow from Benbecula and home to SEA/MFR.
Any feedback is welcome.