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Posted by
2085 posts

Oh, golly, that really makes my day. Hopefully I won't run into these super rats during my September visit. Seriously though, don't you think most big cities have this problem.

Posted by
34567 posts

Is that about the huge rat that got caught in the manhole cover last week or the week before and the Fire Brigade came out to free it and save its life?

Posted by
8293 posts

I saw the photo of that chubby rat stuckin the manhole and I must say I had to feel sorry for the poor creature. He was looking right into the camera, his mouth was open and I am certain he was crying for help in his own language .... perhaps “ratatouille”.

Posted by
1567 posts

@Laurie Beth,

As I said, it was a slow news day in Scotland... :)

Mike (Auchterless)

p.s.: Yes, they have rats in Glasgow, as well! Aberdeen, too!

Posted by
1894 posts

Scotland doesn't have an exclusive on this - when we were in Paris a few months ago there were dozens running around the plaza in front of Notre Dame.

Posted by
1574 posts

Never, ever use rat will also poison your cat, your dog, your small child, an eagle, etc. Use a baited trap instead! Pass this on!

Posted by
103 posts

I have had rats as pets and they are amazing! so incredibly smart and sweet. Hopefully whenI go to Scotland they will sense that I am a friend not a foe LOL

Posted by
5678 posts

I love ya Scotland, but please keep these to yourself! We in NYC have our own critters. I got off at my subway stop one evening this winter just to have rat run past my feet. It was within inches of me! I was still a bit breathless as I waited for the elevator to take me up to the surface and some off duty MTA workers asked what was wrong. I mentioned a rat, and they just laughed and laughed. I have been dealing with mice and pantry flies for months and I am just done with critters and all vermin. :(