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A map useful for driving on Skye and Shetland?


I would love some advice on a good driving map for Scotland. This is for a few reasons 1) I will be driving on Skye, and possibly the Shetlands;and 2) I just like looking at maps.

As I live in the middle of nowhere, shopping at Amazon online is my best chance to get a good map. I have found these three:

  • Philip's Navigator Scotland 2020
  • Collins Road Map Scotland Michelin
  • Map Great Britain: Scotland 501

Does anyone have an opinion on any or all of these maps, or have one that I should look for online?

Thanks so much!


Posted by
6113 posts

The only one I have heard of is the Collins option. They produce good quality atlases - I have their U.K. atlas in my car! If you want a detailed map for walking, the only decent option is Ordnance Survey maps.

Posted by
613 posts

My indispensable UK map came from the National Trust. Its a 200+ page book that includes a detailed map and a page to identify sights to see for each page of roads. Other than that, the more detailed the better. Look at the scale. Pick the map where the second # in 1:x is the smallest. i.e. 1:200000 is smaller than 1:400000

Posted by
1351 posts

If you can wait until you get to the UK, then you can pick up pretty decent road atlases in any service station/petrol station/supermarket. However, for Skye and the Shetlands you might want something a little more detailed as the big road atlases often only show A and B roads, and here on Skye we have quite a lot of smaller single track roads that don't appear in sufficient detail on the road atlases. So for both Skye and Shetland I would recommend the Ordnance Survey Landranger maps. They are 1:50,000 scale and show a good amount of detail.

For hiking the Ordnance Survey Explorer maps at a scale of 1:25,000 are absolutely superb. Individual houses are even marked!

You should be able to order them online.

Jacqui (Skyegirl)

Posted by
2416 posts

Follow Jennifer’s advice if you want a detailed map for both Shetland and Skye. Look at the Ordnance Survey Landranger maps . They are at a scale of 1:50,000 or 1.25 inches to 1 mile. They show all roads, tracks and footpaths as well as marking places of interest.

Either buy once you arrive or buy on line from Ordnance Survey.

Being a large scale does mean you need to buy three maps to cover all of Shetland. Maps 1,2 and 3

Skye needs 2 maps 23 and 32. These miss a small part of Skye from the end of the Skye Bridge but you can probably get away without this section as long as you have e road atlas covering Scotland.

The Explorer maps referred to by Skyegirl are at a scale of 2.5 inches to 1 mile. The detail on them is fantastic and they are used by all serious walkers, but you are going to need several to cover all of Skye.

My preferred Road Atlas is AA Graet Britain, which come at a scale of either 3miles to 1 inch or 4 miles to 1 inch.