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2 weeks in Scotland

My mom & I are traveling to Scotland in the 1st half of April. We will be traveling to Isle of Skye (4 days) - Inverness (2 days) - Shetland (4 days) - Edinburg (3 days)

We generally prefer visiting beautiful places close to nature/outdoors over very touristy/crowded places in the city. I like to trek and Mom can also walk a couple of kms. For transport, I plan to use public transport largely (as I started driving a car only a few months back in India), though I have heard exploring Skye & Shetland w/o a car would be difficult so am considering if I shall rent a car in these 2 places if that's the only way.

Would love suggestions from the forum on things-to-do/ places-to-visit in these cities and how shall we spend our time during our travel to these places. TIA.

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1268 posts

Skye is almost impossible without a car as you have realised. But there are very few opportunities to rent a car here so you might do better renting a car in Inverness and returning it there. The only car rental place on Skye itself is Morrison and you will need to reserve your car well in advance as they are a very small operation. To get to Skye by public transport requires use of a Citylink bus from either Inverness or Glasgow/Fort William, or you can get to Kyle of Lochalsh by train from Inverness and then pick up the Citylink bus there. The ferry option from Mallaig is more difficult in terms of how you would then get to Portree (main village on Skye) as the local bus service is poor.

Getting to Shetland requires either a flight or an overnight ferry from Aberdeen. Renting a car while there would be by far the best option to explore.

In order to help more with logistics we would need to know the order in which you plan to visit the places you mention.

For hikes check out Walk Highland. There are no cities in Shetland or Skye. They are really all about the natural beauty.

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7840 posts

For our Shetland trip, we flew in to the Sumburgh airport at the southern end of Shetland, and rented a car from Bolts Car Hire. We returned it in Lerwick, but we were leaving on a ferry to Orkney, not flying out. Could you fly roundtrip between Inverness and Shetland?

After time on Orkney, we flew to Inverness, where we rented a car from Arnold Clark, and drove to Skye. Coming back onto mainland Scotland, we turned in the car at the Edinburgh airport. We had a car most of the time, from two different companies.

Posted by
22 posts

Thanks Skygirl for the input. I am checking out Walk Highland website, this is helpful. I plan to visit these places in the mentioned order.

I'll be coming to Inverness by morning flight (after spending around a week in London/Cotswolds), then have booked a train to Kyle of Lochalsh the same day (from there I'll take a bus or book a taxi to Portree). I'll be staying in Portree for 4 days. After that, I have booked a bus from Portree to Inverness where I'll be staying for 2 days. From Inverness, I have booked a train to Aberdeen, and the same evening a ferry to Shetland. I'll be in Shetland for 4 days then back to Aberdeen by Ferry, and have booked a bus the same morning from Aberdeen to Edinburg, where I'll stay for 3 days before taking the return flight to Bangalore (India).

I have largely arranged the inter-city transport & accommodation. What I haven't planned yet is how to spend the 4 days in Skye, 2 days in Inverness, 4 days in Shetland & 3 days in Edinburg.

I have sent an enquiry to Morrison for a car rental yesterday, yet to hear back from there. In case they don't have availability - there are no other options for car rental nearby in Skye? I have already booked a train/bus from Inverness to Skye and return.

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22 posts

Thanks Cyn. The flights were coming out to be very costly as I didn't plan enough in advance, so I have done ferry from Aberdeen to Lerwick and back.

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7458 posts

The search function is being a bit, well dysfunctional. But within the last few weeks I have put a detailed post on here about car rental to and from the ferry terminal at Lerwick.
There are two rental companies within walking distance of the terminal- both of whom will deliver to the terminal and meet you off the ship.
The above Bolts are one, Star Rent a car another, and there are others. Google them- you will find Europcar and Avis- but those are sub contracted to the local companies- so probably better to book direct with the respective companies.

Contrary to what you may here elsewhere Shetland does have quite a good bus system (considering the population size) which locals and quite a lot of domestic tourists use- but not international tourists. My visits to Shetland mainland and the isles have been by using bus and the ferries.

The road system has been hugely improved over the years using revenue from oil exploration and is very good.

Details of internal Shetland isles ferries are here, and of internal flights (from Tingwall, not Sumburgh) to various islands within the Shetland chain here

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14605 posts

Oops...I posted on your other thread in the England forum before I saw this one! My response is about Shetland. Good to know you've got ferry reservations from Aberdeen. DO follow Northlink Ferry on FB as they will put on there if there are delays. I have also seen that sometimes they go out early if they expect poor conditions.

Oh yea!! to Shetland! For myself 4 days (5 nights???) is not too much! I do think you are going to need to rent a car there. I did a tour there last year - Orkney and Shetland combined and did 6 nights on Orkney and 7 nights on Shetland and did not have enough time to see everything. We hiked a little bit but not much. We did take the ferry over to Yell, drove across and took the ferry to Unst...the Northernmost island in UK, saw the Northernmost bus shelter and ate at the Northernmost tea room for lunch, hahaha! A splendid day.

I've already booked with the same tour company for Shetland in 2025 and he's expanded it to 8 nights. I'll go up at least 3 nights ahead so I can do some things he doesn't cover.

I'm happy to give you links to the tour company's itinerary so you can see how he organizes days there. Here is the link to my TR but you'll need to scroll down to the start at the Shetland portion.

Are either of you interested in local textiles? Knitting, etc? We had a wonderful visit to the Hoswick Visitor Center. The ladies that run it are locals and have been knitting their whole lives, I think. Mark had arranged with them to give us a presentation but if you just stop in there they will talk away as long as a cruise ship isn't in port and they aren't busy!

We did 2 boat trips - one out to Mousa Broch, to see the Iron Age tower On another day we did one of the wildlife watching cruises out around the island of Bressay to see the Gannets and other birds. We were hoping for whales but saw none. We did see a school of porpoises which excited the boat captain who whipped out his camera with an extremely long lens so he could document them for the wildlife survey folks.

I'm not sure in your time frame is cruises will have started so you may have an advantage there. We only had a day or 2 of minor crowds with the cruise passengers.

Have a wonderful time. I'm glad you've got time on the end in Edinburgh

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22 posts

Thanks isn31c - I have written to both Bolt & Star Rent A Car. Have got quote from Bolt, mostly will confirm them

Yes Pam - got your response in the other thread. Sure, will Nothern Ferry on FB. Thank you.

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7458 posts

This is the Lerwick 2024 Cruise Ship Schedule-

Those notated 'Anchor No. 1' - that anchorage is off Bressay lighthouse (one of the best anchorages anywhere) with passengers tendered into Victoria Pier in the town centre. Victoria Pier (whether on tenders or a berthed vessel) is very well managed. It is closed off to the general public on such days with the excursion buses driving onto the pier. Normally it is where the big pelagic trawlers berth.
Mairs up beyond the ferry terminal north of town, so the excursion buses are straight away out of town. Holmsgarth 5 is just by the ferry terminal, also a bit north of the town centre.

The trade which comes off the independent cruise guests is important to the local economy.

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22 posts

So I reached Skye yesterday (Early morning flight full Luton to Inverness, Train from Inverness to Kyle, Taxi from Kyle to Armdale, and picked up my car rental from DriveSkye and drove to by B&B at Portree).

Today I explored Old Mann or Storr, Quirang & Fairy Glen. Tomorrow I am mostly considering to explore the Fairy Pools & Neist Point.

I'll have one more day left in Skye on the day after tomorrow, before I leave for Inverness - any suggestions for what I shall explore on the last day? Also I have to visit Armdale to return back the car by evening on that day, so if there is something I can do on that side - that would work best.

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1268 posts

Head down the Sleat peninsula towards Armadale and then keep going straight to the end of the road. From there you have a beautiful walk to the Point of Sleat and a lovely little sandy beach that few people reach.

Alternatively turn right off the main road to Armadale, and drive the loop road, which has lovely views and a few nice spots to stop and walk to the waterside.

Or turn right in Broadford and take the road to Elgol. Stop at Amy's Place in Torrin for tea and cake then carry on to Elgol for a walk on the beach and great views of the Cullin mountains. You might have time for a boat trip to Loch Coruisk.

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22 posts

Thanks Skygirl for the suggestion. In the morning I booked a boat trip to Lock Coruisk via Misty Isle Boat trips from Elgol (this is subject to weather tomorrow) - any feedback on this boat ride?

I'll try and follow the sleat peninsula walk as well if time permits tomorrow, thanks a lot.

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1268 posts

Yes the boat trip with Misty is an excellent way to spend your time. Hope you enjoy it. Weather should be OK tomorrow.