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U.S. Department of State advises against Americans traveling to Russia

Sorry if that's a Captain Obvious title to this post.

So my question is when do you think it would be, for lack of a better word, appropriate for Americans to travel to Russia? It's on my bucket list but somehow it doesn't feel right to travel there due to the war against Ukraine and perhaps other reasons. I don't want to contribute a penny to the current regime. Also it seems a rather difficult trip due to Western sanctions.

I'm 64 and Russia has been on my bucket list for decades because I find the history so fascinating. Will such a trip be practicable in my lifetime? I appreciate anyone's thoughts on this.

Posted by
21691 posts

BigMikeWBGV, you knew you would get an answer from me. LOL But Webmaster, I will keep it travel. I would suggest that any thought of it should only be considered if you have a dang good reason and traditional tourism for me would not be a good reason.

Its not the State Department Level 4 that is the major obstacle. Given my recent Level 4 country trip I would be a bit of hyprocrit to suggest otherwise. It is the current russian government and some russian citizens' disdain for anything Western, especially American that makes travel to russia way beyond my comfort level. To that add the growing number of airstrikes within russia making it physically dangerous in some of the coutnry.

I hope things change so that you can go in the next 5 years, because that would mean a major shift in ideology to the point that Americans are welcomed by the government and by the people. Am I holding my breath? No, but there have been bigger surprises in life, so I am hopeful. All you can do is sit and wait.

Someone may join in and say, sure go. If one were to go then I would suggest that they do it on the same terms as my Level 4 trip. Expect and ask nothing from the US government if it goes bad. You knew what you were doing and others should not be put in the posistion to pay the price for it. Dont expect to have any medical of life insurance coverage for anything that happens while there. If it is bad, you can loose your entire life's savings in medical bills.

AND, I have been to russia. Only once, only about 5 days, only Moscow. The visa application process was intrusive and not cheap, the city in the winter was filthy and the world-famous subways smelled like ..... well, it wasn’t nice. I am glad I went as it was a good life experience but I did not leave with any particularly good impressions.

Posted by
16867 posts

I don't expect the regime to change anytime soon. Putin and the new US regime are buddies.

I, too, have wanted to visit both Russia and Ukraine as I have family history in both. However, I am not going now or in the near future.

No help from the US government if trouble occurs no travel insurance coverage, probably no health insurance coverage, rules made up on the spot whether I like it or not.......and I'll stay away for the time being.

The next few months will tell what might happen. I'm watching what happens with Greenland.

Posted by
34688 posts

you don't want to be taken prisoner and used as a bargaining pawn for them to get a spy back

Posted by
2457 posts

Good Morning Big Mike

I went on a. Baltic Cruise in 2019 and we overnighted in St Petersburg. And it was incredible. It was so incredible that I later researched spending more time in Russia, on my own. It was so complicated and difficult to get a. visa that i rapidly gave up.

Of course this was pre Ukraine.

I Have no idea when it might be "safe" for Americans to visit Russia again. Perhaps it will happen during the Trump Presidency. It probably will not happen until the situation with Ukraine is settled.

But even if things improve to where Americans are told that they can visit Russia again, one has to be so careful to not get in any trouble. I heard of a cruise passenger (not on my cruise) who was detained by Russian authorities for a few hours simply because he had used his middle name on one of his documents but not the other.

I saw a posting somewhere of someone who had recently visited Russia and had a wonderful time. I do not know if it was this site or another but it was recent.

Posted by
21691 posts

BigMike, first of all, (EDIT) thank you for calling it a war. The news media at times looks for other words when describing bombs falling. But as Kathy correctly points out, since we are talking tourism here, the question is the larger situation.

Maybe if things go really, really, really well in ending the war, part of the solution will be opening up at least St. Pete. by redifining it as a Level 3. For instance Lviv, Ukraine is a Level 3 destination within a Level 4 country. No visa required, no changing rules, probalby valid medical and travel insurance. "Level 3: Reconsider Travel to the regions of Volyn, Lviv, Zakarpattia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi, Ternopil, Rivne, Khmelnytskyi and Zhytomyr."

For some context, among the Level 3 nations are Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, Egypt, Jamica and Colombia. In this thread the author of the story that was linked got great praise on the forum for their travels with young children through Level 3 countries and we have had recent questions about trips to Egypt so apparently, in general, some in the RS community has no issues with Level 3.

Frank II, you have relatives in russia and Ukraine. One thing that can be dont in preparation for when travel is possible is to start building a network through charity endeavors. There are probably some opportunities in russia, but thats beyond my knowledge. Since you have relatives in Ukraine you might want to look there as a place to start. My preference is anything that help children, but there are all sorts of options. Done right you get to know more about the people and the culture and you build connections that can add to the value and enjoyment of the trip when it does occur. If anyone is interested PM and I can send you some leads.

Posted by
16867 posts

Mr E, my relatives left both regions well over 100 years ago so I have no relatives that I know of in either country. I know the names of the towns they came from and wanted to see them.

Posted by
16952 posts

Thanks, Mr E; apology accepted, and I completely understand why it's a difficult subject for you. Sorry if I unintentionally touched a nerve. :O(

Posted by
7303 posts

Your guess is as good as mine. Even if the war ends tomorrow, the country will still be in a more or less chaotic state ruled by a de facto dictator. And since you decided to elect a prorussian government there might be an incentive for Putin to prolong the war. On the other hand there are analysts who belive that Russia will soon run out of military equipment.

But I can understand you, I've never been to Russia but would love to go there one day. There used to be visa free cruises from Stockholm so I could have taken a weekend trip to St Petersburg but never did it.

Posted by
21691 posts

Badger, I think you are correct. I suspect that the russian culture and society will be in chaos for quite some time after the war ends. Even if new leadership and a new ideology exists that is favorable to tourism. But as long as it’s safe(r) i guess those with a dedicated purpose for tourism could push through it.

For those that would like to go to russia, you sort of have to decide on which russia. St. Petersburgh exists to paint a narrative for Western tourists. Moscow is the heart of the colonial empire. Once you leave European russia you enter lands that have about as much in common with Moscow as Bangkok and London have in common. 160 ethnicities speaking over 100 languages.

But you don’t have to wait for the war to end, you can visit a few of russia’s old, now independent, colonies: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.

Posted by
4764 posts

We went to what was then Leningrad, Novgorod, Moscow, Minsk, and Smolensk on a Globus tour in 1990. The Russia we saw then was a third world country where even the amount of food on our first-class tour was limited("only take one piece of bread. If you take more, someone else on the tour will go hungry!), but they did have some beautiful palaces and world-class museums. The lesson is: if you want to see a place, go while you can. The situation may change so that you don't feel comfortable going there in the future, which is how I feel as a woman about Egypt. I've been to Guatemala 3 times, but with a local who knew the places to avoid. Since we're calling a spade a spade, the war in Ukraine started as an unprovoked invasion by a megalomaniac leader trying to increase the size of his country. I won't say any more, but you get my point.

EDITED: Big Mike, our next stop after Russia was Poland and we were so impressed. It made me wonder why there were jokes about the Poles and this was before the fall of the Iron Curtain, but 6 months after the destruction of the Berlin wall. Krakow is on my current bucket list.

Posted by
3157 posts

Kathy, thank you. I like to think I'm pretty good at researching the previous RS forum threads before posting a new one in a similar vein, but I guess I could improve in that area!

I recently replied in a private message to Mr. E. that perhaps following Putin a reform-minded leader like Gorbachev might emerge who would bring Russia into better graces with the West. A study of Russian history has shown significant swings between autocracy and liberalism. Well, we can hope anyway. I guess turning 64 next month has me realizing that time is limited, but I'm hopeful.

Posted by
3157 posts

Nigel, I'm a nobody so no I don't want to be taken prisoner because I wouldn't be much of a bargaining chip, lol.

Badger, I see zero chance of visiting Russia with Putin in power, but he's not going to live forever and I suspect the Russian people may be ready for reform in a progressive sense.

I also fantasize a bit about visiting North Korea because it's so bizarre in a sense, but of course that isn't happening. Not to conflate NK with Russia, of course.

Frank II: Dutch officials have commented that they are open to discussing an increased US presence militarily and otherwise, and it's my hope that this is the reasoned path that will be taken. I don't want to get too political here or the thread will be deleted or locked.

bostonphil7: Every time I see your name I think of marathoner Bill Rodgers. I've visited Beantown a few times and love the city. Your cruise sounds like a dream trip to me. We would like to visit Moscow and St. Petersburg, and perhaps a village or two outside of those cities for a more varied perspective. I guess I need to not only keep hope alive but start saving for that possibility.

Cala: We would certainly take a reputable group tour if the future Russia becomes more welcoming. On a side note I don't know what exactly I was expecting when visiting Poland in September, but I was amazed at how modern, prosperous and clean it was virtually everywhere. The Poles have done an admirable job improving their country since the fall of the Iron Curtain.

Posted by
21691 posts

Not to conflate NK with Russia, of course.

BigMike, the North Koreans are being conflated on the battle field as we speak. What is happening to them is unimaginable.

Posted by
3157 posts

Mr. E: No argument from me. I should have been more clear that North Korea is unique in its totally oppressive nature. It was not my intent to minimize the horrific suffering in Ukraine.

Posted by
16952 posts

I like to think I'm pretty good at researching the previous RS forum
threads before posting a new one in a similar vein, but I guess I
could improve in that area!

Mike, you do just fine, and I always enjoy your posts!

Posted by
21691 posts

And MIKE, most of the old russian dominated countries have done better than russia since the breakup. I was in Moscow just before COVID, not such a pretty place on any measurement; I was in Kyiv a week ago, very nice, very clean, very prosperous despite the war. I wonder why russia didnt keep up with Estonia and Georgia or Ukraine or Moldova or ...... ????

Posted by
174 posts

Not making a comment about the general safety of visiting Russia right now, but I'm one who generally doesn't let politics get in the way of travel. After all, I'm not traveling to meet Putin, am I? The people I'd be in contact with are every day Russians living their lives, many of whom I suspect don't care for Putin at all. I've had the fortune to visit twice, once during a cruise in 2014, and a week during the 2018 World Cup (St Petersburg, Kazan, and Moscow). Had a great time. I hope things do improve so people can visit again.

Posted by
7303 posts

Badger, I think you are correct.

I wish I was wrong though.

I see zero chance of visiting Russia with Putin in power, but he's not
going to live forever and I suspect the Russian people may be ready
for reform in a progressive sense.

Neither do I, but there is also the risk that whoever replaces him will be worse. Or just as bad. Sweden and Finland recently joined Nato, that is a sign that the world is different.

I was in Moscow just before COVID, not such a pretty place on any
measurement; I was in Kyiv a week ago, very nice, very clean, very
prosperous despite the war. I wonder why russia didnt keep up with
Estonia and Georgia or Ukraine or Moldova or ...... ????

While the Soviet union on paper was a union of equal states, in reality it was ruled by Russia. And it was the other member states that fought for (and eventually got) their independence. For them it was a break from the past and their independence meant that they could form their own path. For Russia, a reform would mean admitting that they were wrong and their way of doing things wasn't that great. And in the case of Estonia, they have historically had very close ties to the Nordic countries, especially Sweden and Finland, and looked at both those countries for how to rebuild their own. And they joined both the EU and Nato in 2004.

Posted by
44 posts

Badger and Mr. E: Regarding the possibility of future travel to Russia in order to not get this thread locked, perhaps we can look at Russian history for future leadership. Yes, it's possible another tyrant like Putin could emerge, meaning many of us may never be able to travel to Russia in our lifetimes. However, from czarist through Soviet times the pendulum often swings from harsh to liberal. From my limited research it seems many Russians are quite tired of Putin and the war and long for and end to both. Will this mean a "kinder, gentler" Russian president? Of course I don't know but I'm hopeful. On the negative side the possible replacements for Putin don't give me much promise. I don't see a Gorbachev in the wings.

From everything I'm reading about Americans travelling to Russia, well, it just seems like a very, very bad idea. I'm not sure how this is the case for other Europeans or Westerners.

Posted by
21691 posts

However, from czarist through Soviet times the pendulum often swings
from harsh to liberal.

I'm sorry, maybe you could call Gorby "more" liberal than the average but otherwiese the peddulum doesnt seem to have swung much. Which of Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko, Gorbachev, Yeltsin, putin do you consider liberal? What russia has is a function of their culture, I can be hopeful, but I doubt there will be much change in my lifetime.

But I went to russia under Putin, so even with a bad leader, its is possible. Still I would concentrate on visiting the now free Soviet/russian colonial states to get an impression of what russia is / was like. You can get a pretty good cross section too as those states stretch from the Baltics, to the Black Sea to Central Asia.

Posted by
4764 posts

Yes Mr E, if you look at the amount of money Poland spends on defense and its unwavering support of Ukraine, it's very clear that they don't want to be ruled by Russia again.

Posted by
7303 posts

However, from czarist through Soviet times the pendulum often swings
from harsh to liberal.

I'm not sure I agree, I'd say that it swings from harsh to slightly less harsh.

From my limited research it seems many Russians are quite tired of
Putin and the war and long for and end to both.

Probably, but the russian people don't have a say in the matter. And important to notice is that there are degrees of bad leaders. The Economist's democracy index and not a bad tool to use, and in the last decades it has gone downhill a lot for Russia. In 2006 they got a score of 5.02 (hybrid regime), but 2023 they only managed to score 2.22 (authoritarian regime).

One reason for optimism as I see it is that the oligarchs might get tired of Putin since the sanctions makes it harder for them to do business.

I'm not sure how this is the case for other Europeans or Westerners.

Also a very bad idea.

Posted by
2192 posts

In your lifetime? Depends on how long you live and are still able to travel.

The (possible) answer is in the lead-up to your question:
"I don't want to contribute a penny to the current regime."

Posted by
44 posts

Maggie, of course.

Badger, yes for harsh to slightly less harsh, but that may be as good as it gets. By that I simply mean a possible resolution of the situation in Ukraine and a relative return by Russia to the community of nations.