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Minsk to Moscow ?

Hello my fellow travelers !
I'll try to make this post as short as possible since I need a really quick solution from the wisest among you !

My friend's family needs to get back to Russia, and since all what happened and happening
they can't quite make there, so what they want to do is, to take a flight to Minsk(Belarus- just making sure :) and then make their way to Moscow.

And here I could use any help and advice, what is the cheapest way they could get there (Moscow) considering they do not have much to spend ?

I really need a fast solution since the flight is on 18.6

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28898 posts

I have never been to Minsk, and I've never taken ground transportation east of Poland, so I have no personal experience with what your relatives are trying to do. Perhaps someone else on the forum can provide guidance. If not, I can suggest going to and drilling down through the options to find the names of the transportation companies (bus, rail, air) offering the identified services. Then go to their websites for accurate schedule and fare information. They'll also need to check on current pandemic-related restrictions.

You absolutely cannot trust the information about prices, travel times or frequencies displayed on the Rome2Rio website itself. That's true even in normal times, which these are not.

Posted by
2 posts

Yeah they do have Russian passports....
Because of the late update I am kinda in a rush and I can't check everything since I am busy too.
If you or anyone else here does have an idea how to make a way to the border or half the way or literally anything it'll help

Posted by
475 posts

Wouldn't do it - the border, afaik, is still officially closed. Wait for the borders to open.

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2168 posts

We went from Minsk to Moscow a couple of years ago. We did tons of research, originally thinking a train might be a good option. However, flying was definitely the cheapest and most comfortable. We flew on Belavia airlines which we a good experience.