My husband and I, as well as 4 friends, are slated to take a River Cruise with a US travel Co this July.
We do not yet have Visas. Do you think there will be any difficulty in obtaining a Visa given the current
political situation between Russia, the Ukraine and the Crimea?
Mari Musante, San Jose, CA
I hope not! We are taking the Rick Steves's tour that ends in St. Petersburg and then taking the river cruise to Moscow.
I hope there are no problems for you. I took the river cruise in the opposite direction a few years ago and it is WONDERFUL !!! You will really see a lot of Russia.
(I'm booked on a tour of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania in mid May and wondering about the
conditions there too.)
Here's to successful trips for both of us.
Just got my visa back yesterday with no problem. Were leaving in June for Moscow and St. Petersburg.