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Moscow + Transiberiana


i'm thinking to plan a trip in Russian when coronavirus finally stop to spred. Iwould want to avoid the classic trip Moscow + St. Petersburg. Probably i'm interested also to take Transiberiana. i Would want to discover some cities not touristics. I'm just a little afraid because I can't speak Russian and i read that Russians people, especially in cities not touristics can't speak English.
Any suggestions?

Thank You

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1412 posts

Back in 1996 we did the Golden Ring tour departing from Moscow - Yaroslav, Kostroma, Ivanovo, Suzdal and Vladimir. We also went to Belgorod for several days. If things haven't changed you will DEFINITELY need an interpreter to translate - even in Moscow. While in Moscow we were on our own but had Russian travel guides for the other parts of our trip. Go for it!

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8690 posts

We did a great tour of Russia that included Moscow and St. Petersburg as well as a Russian River Cruise. It was wonderful.
Not sure why you would skip those two cities. Lots to see there.

I have read a lot about Russia and its history. Love Russian literature and its composers. Loved Swan Lake at the Marinsky Ballet in St. Pete.

I read an interesting book about taking the TranSiberian Railroad across Russia.

I recommend that you read this book prior to such a trip: