My son is leaving at the end of July for 10 months in Moscow where he will be teaching English. He was recently prescribed a couple of drugs that are in the category that require he use the "red line" at customs when arriving in Moscow. From what I've read, he should have a copy of his prescriptions with him. These days, with everything done electronically from the doctor's office to the pharmacy, we don't get any paperwork. Does anyone know what he should have with him in addition to the actual drugs in their original prescription bottles? He will have a 9 month supply since we don't think he will be able to get the meds locally in Moscow nor will I be able to mail him refills and have any confidence they will get thru customs.
Alternatively, does anyone know who/where I should ask this question? As far as I can tell the Russian embassy does not have an email address. Our doctor does not know the prescription med rules for Russia.