I am a great fan of your show, but I must admit that I was horrified by this episode. And I do hope that you will have the tolerance and greatness of mind to accept criticism and keep this comment published.
Except for a small hint mentioning force feeding, there was no mention whatsoever about the way foie gras is produced, and about the controversy. Buying processed food tends to make us forget that this has not grown on a tree or been produced in a laboratory. This was a living animal.
I am not a vegetarian myself, but I do believe that anyone who tastes THIS delicacy should absolutely be aware of the way it has been produced.
Geese or ducks are cruelly force-fed over a period of a month, a funnel and tube being thrust into the animals' throats, and huge quantities of food being forced down. The sheer procedure has been shown to injure the birds' esophagus, and up to four percent don't even survive this ordeal.
The liver will then grow up to ten times its natural size, which can only go along with inconceivable pain for the animal. The normal size of a person's liver is around 3.5 lb. Imagine having a liver of 35 pounds in your stomach!
During this time, the birds are kept in individual cages which basically restrict all movement, not to mention natural behavior like social interaction (these are social birds!) or swimming.
For good reasons, this procedure has been declared illegal in many countries. It would never comply with French law either if it didn't get an exception for being "protected cultural and gastronomical heritage".
I am sure that anyone who is aware of how this is produced will at least think twice about buying or eating this "delicacy". And I would ask you to PLEASE think twice before promoting this on your show without so much as mentioning the controversy.