I am currently listening my way through your archived shows, and I am really enjoying it!
Much as I love your shows though, I hope you won't mind my correcting a false information given in your show #341. It was a minor point really, yet one that - in all justice to boy and girl scouts - should not remain uncommented.
In your show, you said that during Nazi time, all kids basically had to be boy or girl scouts.
That is a grave misconception. What all kids had to be was "Hitlerjugend" (Hitler youth) or "Bund deutscher Mädels" (League of German Girls). And those organisations certainly copied many scouting ideas.
Practically all independent organisations, at that time, were either forced into assimilation ("gleichgeschaltet") or forbidden. This was the fate of the German boy and girl scout movements too. Nearly all German boy and girl scout associations were closed by 1938, and their members were forced to join the Hitlerjugend resp. the BDM.
The problem is that many Germans, to this day, are not aware of this part of scouting history and tend to think of boy and girl scouts as a sort of paramilitaric organisation, with those uniforms and special vocabulary and everything.