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Visiting Lisbon now (2nd week of July) with Covid restrictions?

Any thoughts about visiting Lisbon while the early close and mask restrictions are in place? I'd arrive noon on Monday July 12, 2021 and probably stay till noon on Friday July 16 and thus I'd have 3 full days to explore. I understand that masks would be required most places and I'm OK with things closing down around 10pm on weekdays. I'd be on my way before the 3:30pm business shutdowns on weekends that start on Friday afternoon. What I'd like to know is whether transit, places of interest to a tourist and places for a solo traveler to get some food are likely to be open. Or should I curb my cabin fever and wait until September? Thanks for any insights you may have!

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2131 posts

I just got this email today from a friend in Portugal.

“Portugal is running against time! We are having an increase on Covids number of people testing positive, mainly for the Delta variant. At the same time the number of people fully vaccinated is growing fast (almost 40%), my parents are fully vaccinated, my sister in law the same, I'm having my second dosis next Wednesday, and my brother is having the 2nd in two weeks from now. So I guess that even if you were coming this September, it would be ok. Next year I hope Covid is fully controlled in the world.

However this Delta variant we are having, ruined tourism this year, and ruined other business as well. So I am still unemployed”.

For what it’s worth and this is one persons voice on the situation. I have no idea what is going on as I’m not planning a trip there until September 2022.

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6113 posts

Portugal’s Covid infection rate is the second highest in the EU at present per head of population and as they were slow to start vaccinating, the Delta variant of Covid is spreading faster than they can get needles into arms. It’s worst in the Lisbon area.

Places are currently open, albeit with restrictions and social distancing. The issue is will there be a snap full lockdown in Lisbon to try to stem the spread or will more punitive measures be put in place that would impact on your ability to explore the city? No one knows. Also, do you want to put yourself at risk by visiting such a high risk area? Even if double vaccinated, you will only have 90-95% protection.

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1778 posts

My life is fairly normal here in Cascais (outside of Lisbon). But, I’ve grown accustomed to masking, having curfews on weekends, limited numbers in restaurants, etc. As someone mentioned, the rumors are of another total lockdown by August. Unfortunately, the tourists we are seeing are not complying with masking and the store and restaurant owners are so desperate for business, they are only confronted by a few of us locals.

The businesses would welcome you heartedly but I don’t think it’s the best to visit. - especially if it’s your first time. I totally understand the desire to get back to travel but Portugal is not at its best. The good news is the vaccines are being administered at a rapid pace and I don’t read much about resistance to getting them. I’m hoping things will have improved by fall.

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3 posts

Thanks for replies! I am going to defer my immediate travel and keep a hopeful eye on effects of the rapid vaccination programs currently underway in Portugal which sound like they could make a big difference in a fairly short time frame.

One of my considerations in this was recent reports coming out that suggest efficacy of the mRNA vaccines (Pfizer in particular; I've received both doses of Moderna) might be significantly lower than the general citation of 90 to 95 percent. Israel's health ministry reported Monday that Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is 64% effective at preventing symptomatic Covid-19 associated with the Delta variant.