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Uber Without a SIM Card

Rick (and people on this forum) say that its great using Uber in both Porto and Lisbon. I have the Uber app on my phone but have only used it in the USA and just a few times. I am sure that I can book using the Uber app in Portugal when I have access to WiFi, but I am not planning on getting a SIM card for Portugal. Is that going to be a problem especially if I want access to Uber when I don't have access to WiFi?

Thanks !!

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4657 posts

Yep, it would be a problem.
Have you explored what type of international data plan your cellular company in US offers? Some offer coverage at $10 a day but unless you are planning a lot of daily Uber rides, just hailing a taxi...or a city bus...may save you money.

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1877 posts

If your phone is unlocked, you can get a one month SIM for around €20. Well worth it for Uber and a host of other things while traveling. And, no, without cellular service, you won’t be able to use Uber unless you are on wifi.

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112 posts

On our first trip to Portugal in 2016 my wife and I just relied on our Verizon international plan at $10 a day. It was not the most cost efficient way to do it, but we did not want the hassle of a SIM card and a new phone number. Having phone access gives you Uber, Maps and Findmy . The last of which my wife utilized when I would go out to reconnoiter while she rested.
On subsequent trips, I got a SIM card while (for business reasons) just paid the Verizon fee
In short; you will need a working phone network to full explore and enjoy your trip. Just figure out how you want to achieve it.

BTW, I believe AT&T includes international roaming for free

Dennis and Elinore

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8688 posts

In short; you will need a working phone network to full explore and enjoy your trip.

I disagree - you do not need a working phone network. However, you do need access to cellular data (without wifi). That you can get either by using your phone's international plan or getting an eSIM data plan or a SIM card. So what company provides you cellular service?

If you have Verizon, they will charge you either $10 a day or $100 for the month. I used to have Verizon and opted for an eSIM data plan, which cost me $20 for 30 days of 10Gb. of data. Very easy to use and much cheaper than Verizon.

Now I have T-Mobile, which offers free international plans for its customers, including unlimited data. So I am opting for that for this upcoming trip.

But in short, I have been traveling for decades and have never once used my phone to call anyone. However, if you rely only on wifi, you will be somewhat hindered, which is why it would be smart to either get an eSIM data plan (which requires an unlocked phone) or use your cell phone carrier's international plan.