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Travel suggestions prior to Wedding in Portugal July 9th , 2022

Greetings all:

we have a wedding in Portugal in July of next year. (We have visited Portugal previously
on a trip that started in Barcelona and ended in Madrid- so only intend to stay for a few days prior to the wedding

any suggestions for a 7-10 day trip prior to our visit to Portugal? This would be that last week of June and
half the first week of July. We would be departing from either Boston or NYC.

We love food, wine, hiking and exploring. Would welcome ideas that include hikes , biking and great scenery!

thanks for your insights and considerations! much appreciated.


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I suggest Basque country, and Asturias.
Great food in San Sebastian and Bilbao, you can visit the Rioja region on the way to Asturias, where is Picos de Europa national park,, a great hiking area. And the weather should be very nice at the time of the year.