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trains from pinhao or porto to coimbra on sept. 11

We have a two day stay in pinhao sept 9 and 10. plan to leave and go to coimbra on sept 11. However no trains are listed for that day; neither from pinhao to porto or porto to coimbra. does anyone know if these are dead days. the dates that ARE listed are sept 10 and sept. 13.

Any ideas?

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1826 posts

It’s too far out to buy train tickets. There will definitely be trains from Porto to Coimbra many times during the day. The train from Pinhao may be a different site from the for the regular trains.
Wait until 29-30 days before your trip to buy tickets. FYI - the tickets from Porto to Coimbra will be 40% off when you buy ahead of time. And, I’ve gone both first and second class. I don’t think I will spend the extra for first class in the future.