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Sao Vincente or Jeronimo monastery?

In Lisbon this September and deciding which to visit or perhaps both. After reading comments and viewing online pictures, we have decided to skip Sao Jorge castle interior and tour Sao Vincente monastery instead. Was planning on also touring Jeronimo monastery but is two too many? Especially with the hassle of long lines at Jeronimo, it is worth it after touring Vincente? We do have plenty of time but if it isn't much different or less interesting, we could skip it. Has anyone been to both to give a comparison?

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4142 posts

I’m also waiting for an answer cause we will be in Lisbon in early October. I went to Sao Vincente’s website and it looks worthwhile. You can book various tours for just 2€ extra. The tours only require a minimum of 1 person.

PS, I checked Rick’s book and it isn’t mentioned.

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86 posts

Two is not too many. Both are stunning and if you have the time, neither should be missed, especially if Belem is in your itinerary. The cloister at San Jeronimo took our breathe away and if you are a photographer, not to be missed, IMHO.

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226 posts

We will try to do both. Does anyone know if you need advance tickets to Sao Vincente?

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226 posts

We were there in June and the day we went had a big cruise ship in port. The strategy to avoid the line is to wait and go around 4-4:30pm. Walked right in the church (open till 5pm). The monastery is open till 6pm so went and got online and got timed tickets for 5pm and again walked right in. Also there is a ticket booth nearby. Earlier in the day the line was all the way down the street.