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Sao Jorge Castle Tickets in Lisbon

I'm trying to buy tickets on line for the Sao Jorge castle in Lisbon. The web site asks for my phone number, city and country. The international prefix for the phone number is a drop down as is the country. The United States is no where to be found in the drop down list. I've tried two different browsers but it still doesn't work.

I called the castle and the agent said he can see the United States on his drop down. It is just below United Arab Emirates. I can see neither. Has anyone had this problem?



Posted by
416 posts

Maybe they use the same web designer as Renfe (Spain's train system) lol. I had that same issue with them.

However, I just went to the Castelo de Sao Jorge website and I do see "United States" listed, under United Arab's an odd list, though. Defaults to Portugal, then lists maybe 10 more seemingly random countries before getting to the alphabetized list.

Also, see if you even need to have your phone number. The asterisks seems to imply required if you want tickets sent by text.

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6285 posts

We were in Portugal last spring, and we purchased the tickets for the castle, online, the day of our visit. That said, tourism in Portugal has been intense, so you may well need advance tickets this year, maybe others could provide some input.

Posted by
325 posts

This is so screwy. I tried multiple internet browsers from my desktop and nothing worked. I tried using my cell phone and that didn't work either. Yet the agent at the castle said he could see it and made sure he was not using the company's agent software. He went straight to google chrome.

I finally called Dell. I paid separately for hardware and software assistance when I bought my new PC. This service has helped me several times on different issues (mostly me not understanding something.) in the past..

The technical agent couldn't figure it out either for awhile but eventually figured out if you let it "auto load" (some of my information is apparently held in the background, like phone number, country. email, name and address etc.). the United States showed up as an option as did United Arab Emirates. Go figure. So, there must be some bug in the castle's web site that doesn't allow it to work perfectly. I must have spent 90 minutes and a phone call to Portugal and to Dell to buy € 26 worth of tickets. I understand lines can be long when buying on site. But probably not 90 minutes.

I'm not sure I can duplicate how we got it to work but I have my tickets now.

Posted by
416 posts

I use a password program and it autofilled my address and phone number, so maybe that's why it showed up when I is weird though that the first 10 or so seem random, then you get to the alpha list and have to scroll way down...