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recommendations for week long stay in the Algarve

hoping for a week - 10 days stay on the Algarve, April 4-12 (estimated) renting an apartment for up to 6 people. Am open to renting a car for day trips but I prefer to use public transport when possible. I will be flying into Lisbon and to Palermo to join a Rick Steve’s tour April 13.
I have been to Nazare but not other areas. Looking for feedback on which towns are best for low key,
quiet, great beaches, amenities such as cafes, grocery stores, walking and convenience for day trips to visit other areas.

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27402 posts

What time of year? Will you be renting cars or using public transportation? Where will you be traveling from, and where will you be heading next? Will the trips in and/or out involve flying?

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11 posts

I just updated my post to include those details. I’ve been studying Lagos, Salema, and Tavira as options. Day tripping access will be great.

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1722 posts

Public transport is not good in the Algarve. I would suggest you plan on renting a car.
Lagos is the biggest town you mention and is more centrally located. It has a wide variety amenities and the spectacular rock formations.
Salema is vastly overrated by RS - IMO. I didn’t think it rated even the short stop I made 3 years ago - much less as a place to stay.
Tavira is nice but far from other areas of interest in the Algarve.

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6113 posts

Salema - you need a car as public transport is scarce. The supermarket is a drive away too other than the small expensive convenience store, so I would drop Salema from my list.

Tavira would be my choice, as it has the most character, something which the Algarve lacks in general. The beach is out on the barrier island, connected by a small water taxi, but it wasn’t beach weather when I was there this April. Lagos would be my second option, but it is surrounded by high rise development. Tavira has a better rail service than Lagos.

There is plenty of interest at this end of the Algarve and you could go to Spain by ferry for lunch and back.