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Lisbon to Salerma

How long is it to drive from Lisbon to Salerma?? Both miles and time??

And is best bet to take ferry across the bay and rent car on other side of the bay??

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16893 posts

There is a bridge across the Tagus, so I think it makes more sense to pick up the rental car closer to your lodging. Google Maps can help you locate "car rental near Lisbon" before you switch to the price-based search engines. In addition to GM, is also good for driving directions.

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6113 posts

You have two options for the drive. Either take the quick but tedious toll road or take the much slower non toll road. If taking toll roads, get a car with a transponder, so you pay the hire company, which is easier than paying the tolls directly yourselves. The toll road will take about 4 hours from Lisbon city centre. The slower option is an all day drive of approximately 7 hours without stopping.

Hire a car in the city centre or at the airport.

Personally, I think that Salema has been ruined by over development in the past decade and I would now prefer to stay in Lagos or Alvor if you want somewhere smaller.