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LIS Airport - How much time should I leave between flights?

I am scheduled to arrive into LIS at 10:35AM at which time I'll connect to a different flight. Would a 12:00 flight leave enough time in the airport for a transfer? I'll be arriving on United and flying out on Allitalia. Thank you!

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23650 posts

Assuming you are on time, no checked luggage, coming from the Schengen zone, and checked in with Allitalia, you will be fine. Should be able to stay behind security.

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1194 posts

LIS consists of two airport terminals and contrary to EU rules you can not walk from one to the other. You have to leave one terminal and go outside to the shuttle to get to the other terminal. Make sure you check which terminal you fly into and which you will be flying out of. I don't was something like international are all at T1, while local flights are T2.

Regardless, an hour and a half should be plenty. But TSA style lines can be a concern. If you stay within one terminal all the time, no problem.

wayne iNWI