What's the best way to get from Lagos to Lisbon? Train? Bus? Car rental?
What you do you want from 'best'?
I think I'm looking for the quickest or most convenient option.
Either train or bus service is similar, running about 5x/day, 4 hours, with one transfer, and costing €20-25 per person. Confirm schedules and buy tickets locally. No need to book ahead.
Most convenient would be train - http://www.cp.pt/passageiros/en/ - enter Lisboa Entrecampos.
Quickest perhaps bus by maybe a half hour or an hour.
Neither will be direct. Quite possibly the train journey will be the cheaper, by just a few €uro.
My trip planning for my travels to Spain and Portugal is still evolving. I came across this website for buses within Portugal. http://www.rede-expressos.pt/default.aspx. Check it out.
Happy travels, Linda
Thank you for all of the advice!
They don't really have a train that does this. So, it boils down to Bus or car rental. I was just in Portugal, and I rented a car in Lagos. I drove all over, had the car for a week, went to Lisbon and Evora, and back to Lagos. I wasn't able to get a one way rental with the particular company I used. Be aware of toll roads in Portugal! also, crossing the bridge in Lisbon, make sure you are in the right lane!! I sure could have used a website with explanations of the signs in that country. THey are sign happy!