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Interpreting a recommendation in Obidos chapter of Rick's guide

Hi All,

I am planning a trip to Obidos in May and I was reading Rick's guide and saw the following recommendation on page 303 - "This is the town’s most touristy street. But as you stroll, peek up to your left to notice a lonesome pastel-colored world, draped with flowers, and without a tourist in sight. Consider returning to the main gate (after this walk) on this picturesque upper lane, which is a photographer’s delight."

My question is by upper lane does Rick mean R. de Dom Antão Moniz / R. da Talhada or does he mean the upper wall of the castle?

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1858 posts

My memory is the quieter street is to the left as you start returning to the main entrance. I didn’t notice it when I started the walk in Obidos.

The wall is quite a bit higher than the streets and would not fit this description.

But, emailing RS is likely your best bet unless you want to just wait until you are there. Obidos is so small, and so mobbed, it won’t be difficult to head toward an uncrowded street when you see it.

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34393 posts

Thanks. What's the email for RS' office?

there's a button at the bottom of the page Contact Us - with options of email, phone or map drop. Pick the one you prefer...

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1194 posts

Hello from Wisconsin,
Here is a thought...walk them both. I do know that the castle wall is a photographer's dream as I did that one evening as the setting sun was adding golden hues to the roof tops and walls. We stayed a week and I am sure we walked all the streets inside the castle and we visited the octagonal church below the city. Don't rush this place.

I am usually quite sensitive to tourist populations. I didn't find it oppressive at all. Then again, mid-day we were out touring ourselves. Saving Obidos for mornings and late afternoons well into the evening.

Lovely place.

wayne iNWI