I have been driving the Island of Madeira for a week. These are no live and die recommendations, but Here are four tips I have learned.
1. Merging: When entering a four-lane highway, you wait, even if at a complete stop until cars are absent, or approaching cars signal and move over to their far lane. If you are on the four-lane and cars want to merge, DON'T slow down to let them in. They won't. And ultimately you both come to a dead stop, but you are in a dangerous position stopped on a highway. DO put on your signal and move to the far lane. The moment you signal such, they will start to pull on to the highway.
Parked cars: Off the highways, cars will park on the side of the road as there is no real parking spots in many places. This leaves about 1.5 car lanes to get around. If a second moving car is approaching from the opposite direction, who yields? If the parked car or other obstruction is on your side of the road, you do the yielding. If it is one their side of the road, they are likely to yield.
Gas stations and grocery stores will have entrances and exits. Use them correctly.
On the rural roads, back country, don't give up your portion of the road too soon. You are likely driving with a set of wheels over the center line as the road is so small. Don't shift over too soon. I learned this in lovely, friendly Ireland. If you move over, they don't. So it is a very polite game of chicken. Drivers will take all that you yield of the road bed.
Anyone else have a driving tip. Not that it is law, or recommended. But the merging can be dangerous if not done correctly.
wayne iNMAdeira