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Douro Valley in January

Planning a very last minute trip to Northern Portual for 1/1-1/11. Is it advisable to drive through the Douro Valley during this time of the year? Probably stay overnight in one of the towns(recommendation?). I have been monitoring the weather for the past few days and it keeps showing rain in the region. Is it always raining all day or just periodically.

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1780 posts

I've not been to the Douro at this time of the year but have been to other wine regions. It’s pretty dismal IMO. They will have cut back the vines and everything will be brown. But, I’m guessing you can still get winery tours and some of the Quinta’s where you can stay are gorgeous. Check out Quinta de la Rosa in Pinhão. I’ve stayed there twice and really love it.

Yes, we have had very unusual rainfall in recent weeks. In most circumstances, rain is not an all day affair in Portugal but this latest rain might be different. I’m in the States right now so don’t have first hand knowledge. But, I agree the news looks really bad regarding rain. And, the next ten days look like continuing rain. But, by the first of the year, all could have changed.

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802 posts

I've traveled in the north in January, though not specifically the Douro Valley. It was miserably cold and wet. Everything will be dead and brown. I'd skip it. Visit the Port wine houses in Gaia instead.