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Declaration of Entry Form for SEF in Portugal

Hi! I am from the US. My family and I are driving from Spain into Portugal this summer. We will be entering either at the Miranda do Douro point or Quintanilha. Since we are from the US, the EU/Schengen formless entry doesn't seem to apply to us. According to what I found online we have to submit a Declaration of Entry Form to SEF within 3 days of entering Portugal.

However, I cannot find the form. Even on the SEF website, there is a PDF that says we must submit this, but no form.

It also says many hotels can help with this. We will be staying at the Vila Gale Douro Vineyards, so I emailed them. They said they have not heard of this.

Any help? Does anyone know where the form is? The SEF website says we can get fined up to 160 Euros if we don't submit this. There are 5 of us, so if it's per person, that's a lot!



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7024 posts

Last September we just drove across border. There were no stops or checks and we never submitted any form. No hotel even mentioned a form; all wanted to see our passports.

I presume you will be driving a Spain registered vehicle so become familiar with the Portugal toll system since most major roads are toll roads. Many tolls are collected electronically only, so you’ll need to register the rental online. You credit card will be billed automatically. It may take a day or two for the charges to show up. The registration is good for 30 days, but once you leave the country for the last time, go online and cancel it in case the next renter decides to drive across the border too. For other roads you still pick up the paper ticket and pay when you exit the road.

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1769 posts

I’ve lived here almost nine years and have never heard of this. I just looked and the information I found was from 2007. SEF is the agency that handled immigration and border control. It was broken up a year ago and has been in huge disarray since then. Being able to actually reach someone from SEF is very likely not a remote possibility.
As the previous poster indicated, there are no border checks driving from one county to the other. It’s just like driving from one state to another in the U.S.

I’ve driven from Portugal into Spain with a rental car and never had an issue. You might try contacting the U.S. Embassy if you’re really concerned. I, personally, would disregard wherever you read this very old information.

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5 posts

Thank you All! This is exactly the information I needed. And I feel so much better.

I drove from Seville to Lisbon with a friend back in 2008 or so, and have no memory of doing anything. But that was so long ago! I had not planned anything, then saw on our rental’s fine print it mentioned this declaration of entry form and started thinking I had missed something.

But it sounds like we are covered by the hotel. We are staying at the Vila Gale Douro Vineyards.

And I’ll be sure to register the car to pay the tolls. Thank you so much for letting me know it’s good 30 days so I need to cancel after I turn in to avoid paying someone else’s helpful.

I really appreciate all your responses they were all helpful. Thank you!!