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Day trip Sintra + Obidos

There have been several recent similar threads - but throwing my question in, nonetheless, apologies. Yes, trying to see a LOT in a short visit to Portugal. My plan, for comment:

1.) Depart by rented car from Lisbon at 7am. (on a Monday, unfortunately)
Visit Cabo de Roca, and any site in the park/outside Sintra by "drive-by". e.g. is it possible to see Convento dos Capuchos "from outside"? Is Cabo de Roca worth going to for the view?

2.) Then, to park near train station, Sintra, by 8:30? And take bus 434 (first bus at 9:15?) to the sites - spend approximately 5 hours site seeing Sintra. (per recommended times here:
In mid-October, Covid-ish times - do we need to buy tix ahead?
Recommendations for coffee and/or lunch in Sintra?
Depart at approx. 2/3pm

3.) Arrive Obidos at approx. 4pm and spend 3+ hours walking around the town. It seems 90% of things are not with opening/closing hours.

Original idea: Have dinner in Obidos, and drive back to Lisbon around 8pm. Only concern is days get dark earlier in October, so arriving at 4pm might be a bit late. The idea was to make this a day trip so that we had to schlep ourselves/bag less.
If/when we head further north - and have to make hard choices, is Peniche worthwhile to visit - is it worthwhile because we could visit but not stay very long? Do we just go to the nearby beach to see big waves and surfers?

Option: is the castle in Obidos reasonable, is it amazing to stay at? Should we stay in Obidos and continue on north the next day instead?

Thanks for your thoughts! As I write it out, it doesn't make sense to me to make this a day trip, but rather the first day of heading north.

Posted by
1780 posts

Don’t stick with your original plan!

Be aware you might get into traffic in Lisbon which could slow down your progress significantly. In trips to the airport, the traffic starts getting bad between 7:30-8:00.

Caba da Roca is really only a view, unless you want to get a cheesy certificate stating you’ve been there. It does take longer to drive between Cascais and Sintra going that road (winding and hilly), but it’s feasible to spend a very short time taking in the view. The view is nice but I’ve only been once in six years and don’t feel the need to return as there are other views in the area that are just as nice (IMO) It’s not possible to see the Convento by driving by.

From what I’ve heard from friends, Sintra is crowded again so buying ahead might be a good idea for Pena.
Don’t expect to see everything in Sintra in five hours. I’ve never managed more than two sites in a day, even on a guided tour where my transportation was waiting for me at each site. My favorites are Pena, Monserrat and Quinta de Reguleira. The Quinta is really all about the grounds - not the building. Montserrat is out of town so stopping on your way in or out of town might be a good option. But, it takes a bit to get from the entrance to the palace, so be aware of that.

It’s hard to get a bad cup of coffee in most of Portugal so no need to search for that. Lunch is another thing as there are many ‘cater to tourists’ places. Go a bit out of the center for a better meal. Incomum is close to the train station and is quite good.

Spend the night in Obidos. I was quite disappointed but went as a day trip. Friends who have stayed the night really enjoyed it. And, driving back to Lisbon before heading north makes no sense to me.

Also, be aware that mid October is the beginning of the rainy season in Portugal so be prepared for that. The good news is it usually rains in brief showers so the whole day isn’t rainy. And, there are still many lovely days interspersed with rainy ones.

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7269 posts

In my opinion, Obidos is not worth it, unless it is on your way to somewhere further north - are you staying anywhere else than Lisbon?
I would stick with Cabo de Roca + Sintra, which is doable by public transportation - no need to deal with Lisbon traffic and rental car office hassles. And even Cabo de Roca is hardly a must-see... there are plenty of more dramatic headlands in the world.

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5 posts

Thanks so much for the helpful and quick replies!
OK, we plan to get the car in the evening before.
From comments, I see the Cabo di Roca is still a maybe - but if we are early maybe we manage, or look for other views along the coast as we travel north.

Surprised to hear about skipping Obidos! I mean, I would expect that the main reason to skip is that it is too touristed. Otherwise, it seems nice and small.

Uffff, there is SO much to see in Portugal - SO much packed into each and every next town along the route to Porto! This is one reason we decided to get a car, to easily, and more quickly, stop along the way to Porto. I mean, a rental allowing us a day trip is 9 euro a day and the day trip organized by public transport is many times longer, and organized by a tour group is at least 10-20x more expensive - enough to count!

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7269 posts

Obidos is indeed very touristy, hence my comment. If you cannot stay the night, and just want a sightseeing stop on the way to Porto, I think stopping at Alcobaça monastery (or Batalha, but it is a little bit further from the highway) is a better use of your time. But it is very different.

Posted by
99 posts

You mentioned getting the car the night before. I hope this isn't a silly question, but where are you going to park it? Depending upon where you are staying in Lisbon, driving and parking in Lisbon could be a little harrowing. Just be are aware that it is hilly with narrow streets. Many times on our trip in Lisbon in August, my husband and I looked at each other relieved that we didn't try to drive in the city.

For the Sintra part. Make sure to bake in a solid half hour plus on that 434 bus to get to the sites, and then that same amount of time to get back to town. When we did the day trip from Lisbon to Sintra in August, I had underestimated the time to get around in Sintra. If you drive, you also are going to have to figure out where to park in Sintra. Not sure if that will be easy in October or not. For us, we spent over 3 hours to get through Pena palace and walk the grounds. I also heard Quinta has amazing grounds, but we were short on time so we didn't get to visit. I think you will struggle to see much more than one site fully if you have only a few hours.

Sintra was super busy when we were there. There was an adorable little coffee shop just down a block from the train station, but it was closed that day of the week when we were there. I bet you could find it on Google maps if you pull up the train station. This would be a great lunch stop.

We didn't make it to Obidos on this trip, so I can't speak for that. But I do think if you are determined to drive and get to both places that you are on the right track by making it part of your trip up north.

If the bigger priority is not schlepping your bags around, I would take the train to Sintra and see 1-2 sites that day (skip Obidos), and then go back to Lisbon. Skip the rental car and the stress of driving. Can't wait to hear what you decide!

Posted by
169 posts

I just re-read your plan.. are you trying to see Sintra, Cabo de Roca and Obidos in one day trip loop from Lisbon?

I/we don't know how long your trip is. So can't give great feedback - but I'm thinking this day is way too much as originally planned.

As others have hinted - parking in both Lisbon & Sintra can be a nightmare. I only know this from research - hope to see & not experience this phenomena in October.

I think they are suggesting - do Sintra on the day you have allotted but from Lisbon - take the train. You could probably leave your luggage at your hotel - most will store for the day with no issues. Or if there is luggage storage in Sintra station bring it with? Then collect the car later in the day from Lisbon or (better yet) Sintra..... and head to Obidos. Stay the night and head on Northward or wherever else you wish to go.

Stop somewhere on the way north at one of the small seaside towns to see "rocks/waves/beach". I do understand Peniche is lovely. Seems there are lots of choices for lovely small seaside towns.

Have a great time planning your trip - and a better one ON IT !!

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6113 posts

I have been to Obidos in October and it wasn’t that busy. It’s a nice place, but there are plenty of nice places in Portugal. You don’t need 3 hours there - 2 is plenty. I preferred Evora. Obidos is very touristy and I wonder if the food there might not be the best?

I have been in this part of Portugal in mid October and had a mix of warm, pleasant weather and also torrential rain lasting a whole day.

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5 posts

Thanks again for responses.
- Our visit to Portugal is about 7 full days.
- Yes, the idea was that we see Lisbon, car-less, and then pick-up and park a car on the last evening. We live in Europe, so this seems achievable to us. We've driven in Italy, Hungary, Croatia, Ukraine, Bosnia, Morocco, Cairo, Jakarta, etc.

  • That we drive to and spend 7-9am at Cabo da Roca
  • We park in the hot tip - parking lot by train station in Sintra - and see Sintra 9am - 2/3pm
  • Then, drive to Obidos (1 hour) and see Obidos and dinner 4-8pm (and stay just outside Obidos, where there is plentiful and free parking ;-)

Then, next day - onward, north, maybe Peniche, Nazare, (Sitio for view), Batalha (just quickly), maybe Coimbra for library, and arrive Porto.

  • Stay in/around Porto for something like 2.5 days, and depart on last afternoon for evening flight from airport in Lisbon.
Posted by
7269 posts

If you stay in/near Obidos, then your plan sounds better already. I would still skip Cabo de Roca and head straight to Sintra; you will get plenty of dramatic sea views if you stop by Nazaré (Sitio) the next day. I would pick the latter over Peniche, by the way - Peniche is a significant detour in the opposite direction starting from Obidos, and I found it really too ramschakle to my taste a few years ago (it might have improved since then).
Likewise, Coimbra is too much of a city to be visited as a "quick stop"; stops at Batalha (or Alcobaça) + Nazaré will already fill your day together with the drive to Porto.

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4 posts

Didn't read through entire post, and don't know if you're American....but we are, and are trying to figure out whether Portugal will be letting us use our own Vaccine Card for restaurants and inns, etc., or whether only the EU vax passport will work, and if there a way to get one as an American? So far, I can find no confirmation that we can do either, but I also know things are evolving since the rule changes in early September. We too are trying to arrive early to mid October.
Would appreciate any comments which are current experience right now, in Portugal!!

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5 posts

Hi - per traveling - we are American but not based in the US.
Nonetheless - I was going by this -
where it says a third country vaccine card is ok with reciprocal agreement - don't know if the US has one.
But you can also just take a test - though in the US, it seems a little harder to do that for a reasonable cost and guaranteed return time. (we had a terrible time when we visited - but if cost is not an option, there is usually an airport place that might cost $200 but will get it done - google your airport + covid test)

But the situation is evolving and I am just crossing my fingers!

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11505 posts

Regarding Obidos…we made the mistake of staying there for a few days. It is worth TWO HOURS at most. It is one of those attractive places that exists solely for tourism. We stayed in the Pousada
( castle you mention?) there, ate all our dinners there so that saved us. We stayed in many Pousadas in Portugal, historic and good experiences.