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Car Rental Lisbon to Porto

Hi. Does anyone have advice about renting a car in Lisbon and then dropping it off in Porto? After our 5 nights in Lisbon we will rent a car. Is the airport the best/easiest place to rent a car in Lisbon? We will then travel the country (Sao Do Martinho Porto, Lamego area & down to Porto). We would like to fly out of Porto rather than returning to Lisbon just to catch a flight out. If we do this, we will want to drop our car as we come into Porto. Does anyone have a suggestion as to where is the best/easiest place to return the car?
While I am at it asking all these questions, since inPatio guesthouse has no available rooms during our stay, does anyone have any suggestions for a good location to stay for our 5 nights there?
Thank you for any suggestions, help and advice you might have.

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1715 posts

It would be very easy to rent in Lisbon and drop off in Porto. Autoeurope is a great company that allows you to do that without penalty. The airport in Lisbon (and Porto for that matter) would be better than in the center cities. But, there may be an increase in cost. You could also try renting someplace out of Lisbon that is on the commuter train line - or even out of Porto that is on the train line. My first trip here, I picked up the car in Coimbra (after training from Porto) and dropped if off in Cascais before taking the train into Lisbon. That way I avoided driving in either large city. has lovely vacation rentals in Porto. And, their service is great - at least it was two years ago.

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94 posts

Hello again, kathrynj, I will look further into dropping off the car at someplace other than the airport in Porto. Also thank you for the suggestion of I very much appreciate your help.

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507 posts

We stayed recently at the Mercador Guest house in Porto and were very happy.