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Azores—Sao Miguel—Baby Car Seat rental

We would like to rent a car when travelling in Sao Miguel in two months. We will be travelling with a 17 month old toddler. Ideally we would also rent a car seat.
Any suggestions for companies that might offer this service? Or for alternative solutions?
We will be there for 5 days and had thought to stay in Ponta Delgada and do day trips by car from there.
Any advice is appreciated!

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493 posts

I recommend you bring your current car seat and check it in with your other luggage. It will be free, along with a stroller, if your bring one of those. This will save you about 50 euros vs renting a car seat for 5 days. Otherwise, all the car rental companies should have car seats to rent. Specify when you reserve a car that you want one.

These answers, and all your needed logistical information, is included in the free sample of my Azores guidebook. The webmaster wrote a post (at the top of this Portugal forum) with a link to it. There is NO obligation to purchase my entire guidebook.

Do not overpack for the toddler. Everything you might need is available there. The best one stop shop is at Continente Modelo in the Parque Atlantico shopping mall located in Ponta Delgada. Easy parking is in the underground parking lot. If the little one gets sick, there are health centers and pharmacies all over the island. I recommend the private hospital (International Hospital of the Azores-CUF), located in Lagoa, if you need to see a pediatrician.

Send me a PM if you have any other specific Azores questions.

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2 posts

Hi Carl, Thank you!! This is exactly the kind of information I needed. I’ll check out your book as well; it sounds promising. I’m excited for my trip!