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Any 2 week Portugal / Spain trip ideas

Planning a 2 week trip and thinking of combining Spain and Portugal in a single trip. Looking for suggestions. Just starting the planning for 2018.

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6113 posts

Any clues as to what kind of thing interests you?


How many people?

How many nights actually on the ground in Europe?

What's your style of travel - lots of moving on or spending time seeing places in more detail?

Beach? City? Hiring a car? Where are you flying into/out of?

Some more info will give you some better guidance, hopefully!

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27369 posts

You will find that transportation between Portugal and Spain is surprisingly challenging. You can spend 2 months in Spain and see only half the country, so I'd tend to limit a 2-week trip to just one of these two countries rather than trying to include both.

If it must be a combo trip:

  • If you plan to drive, be aware that it will probably be necessary from the financial standpoint to pick up and drop off the car in the same country.

  • If you don't plan to drive--and perhaps even if you do--investigate multi-city flight options, into one city and out of the other, so you don't have to double back. You definitely don't want to have to move across that border twice!

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16894 posts

I agree with acraven's reasoning for staying within one country. Then, on your next trip, you're less likely to feel like you missed something and have to do yet another cross-border trip.

But for the sake of argument, these could be possible scenarios:

Barcelona - Madrid - Toledo daytrip - night train or fly to Lisbon - Sintra daytrip - maybe Coimbra daytrip

Madrid - Toledo daytrip - Cordoba - Sevilla - 5 hr bus to Algarve - Lisbon

See more on the Explore Europe section of this web site.

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4 posts

We did 2 week trip. Flew to Barcelona and spent 4 days there. Train to Madrid for 4 day stay. Included a day trip to Segovia while in Madrid. Train to Seville for 3 day stay. Drove to Lisbon which was expensive but easiest as bus/train between southern Spain and Portugal isn't very efficient. 3 days in Lisbon including a day trip to Sintra. Yuo'll never see everything but we felt that we got a chance to explore enough of each area to get a good feel given this itinerary.