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Wroclaw-Panorama of Raclawice Battle-online booking service

Does anyone have the URL/link to the official online booking website? Their office website of the "Panorama" states if reserving ahead of time the reservations should be made through their official booking agent, but I am a bit apprehensive using an unknown (to me) online booking service, but would like to reserve spots prior to arrival. The website ( does not provide a link. Please advise if you have the information. Thanks!

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38 posts

Thanks! Happily, after sending an email (translated into Polish) to their website address, I got a speedy response from them and now have my answer!

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38 posts

Oh sorry...the answer was to follow the "link" which they provided in the email response, and which took me some time to find because it works only in Polish, as you said. I actually clicked on the "shopping card" on the upper right corner of the website which took me back to the Polish translation and I clicked on the "ticket" link. I can then move through the calendar and order my tickets from there. I haven't done it yet, but will.

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842 posts

For those of you who visit and don’t buy in advance, we just arrived at 10:45 on Sunday morning and were able to buy tickets for 11:30 show. Not sure if we were lucky or if this is typical.

Edited to add: when we left at 12:00, they were selling tickets for 1:30 show.