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Warsaw et al Poland

To all people looking for travel information on Poland in English I am happy to help where I can. I am an American living on and off in Poland since 2011 and traveling here since 2002. I have mostly been in Warsaw. I am happy to point you to some web pages to help you plan your travels and to get your feet safely on the ground in Poland to start your adventure. (note to web master I am not advertising and get no $ for any of this information)

First here is the official tourist portal for Warsaw/En. Good place to start for local events.
English language news page so can keep up to date before and when on the ground.
A really nice blog Polandian now just in archive mode with lots of commentary on Poland.
In my early trips I really liked Inyourpocket guides here is Warsaw. You can also buy a soft copy in most book stores.
A local magazine both online and available in book stores has good local commentary on food, drink and events Warsaw Insider.
If you are into food as part of your travels this is a nice page Warsaw Foodie.

Best museum in Warsaw is Uprising Museum and is a must see. Great place to start your time in Warsaw as most of Warsaw was destroyed in 1944 so understanding the pre and post is a must to knowing Warsaw.

To get around town this page is used by most all. There is also a mobile app. You can also change the city as you travel to other places.
Getting around Poland on the rail system is pretty easy these days. PKP is the rail system and here is the schedule page. In the major cities signs are now in Polish and English (thanks to Euro Cup in 2012) and main stations do have ticket machines. But still for most business standing in line is a must. You can buy a ticket on the train but might pay an extra fee. Reservations are almost universal now when you buy your ticket. TLK is one of the cheaper trains.

I hope this information is helpful. Feel free to drop me a note. I don't think this forum sends notes when questions posted. So depends on when I check in. I love Rick Steves travel style and hope to help you do the same.

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15312 posts


When I was in Warsaw over a decade ago in 2001, I saw the Warsaw Uprising Museum and Memorial area, didn't have the time to visit the museum itself but had the time to read the explanation out front. Good that it was done in 5-6 languages.

Have you visited the Polish Military/Army Museum? What about Chopin's House/Museum? We only had close to a week to spend there, hardly enough time, ie, a return trip is obvious. No day trips either , all of it was spent in Warsaw itself. I did come across the Katyn Memorial.

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53 posts

I am sure the Uprising Museum has gotten better since your visit. I assume when you say Polish Army Museum you are talking the one near National Museum with the tanks and air craft in the yard. Good place but not a lot of modern tech or English signs. I have not been to any of the Chopin houses just listen to the music in the park weather permitting.

Warsaw and Poland does deserve more of your time. :)

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15312 posts

Yes, that's correct. I absolutely agree that Warsaw and Poland warrant repeat visits.

In 2001 I never got inside the Army Museum since it was 15 mins to closing. From across the street I saw the tanks and other ordinance in the museum court yard. Presumably, one would expect the present Army Museum to be better than was the case in 2001.

I never had the time to see any of Chopin's house/museum in Warsaw but managed to make it back to Poland in 2003 and 2005, the itinerary did not include Warsaw. The focus was elsewhere geographically, ie, to the lower Vistula area, visiting Gdansk and Malbork, and the last time there to Torun and the small town northwest of it Chelmo. It's always a time matter once you get there as regards to priorities, ie, so much to visit. Had I had another day and half minimum in Torun, I would have gone to Grudziadz, another day trip. All very doable by bus.

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53 posts

I agree hitting Gdansk and Marbuk along with Torun was a good call for your 2nd visit. I recommend to all who visit to get up north. Marbuk is a amazing red brick castle and unique. Gdansk if you can go when the weather is nice is a lovely port city with good history. And Tourn well just a lovely college town with some Copernicus history attached.

I do hope you can find the time again. Get south and further into the central central Europe..