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Travel in May

We will be traveling in Poland May 2018. Just in the planning stages right now. Will visit Gdansk, Krakow, and Zakopane for sure. Are there any dates to avoid in these areas due to extra congestion - i.e. Conventions, holidays, juvenalia in Krakow, etc. Thanks for any input.

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2661 posts

Do what I did when visiting Krakow, Warsaw and Gdansk in May a couple of years ago--google events in May for each city, gives you ideas on things you might want to see as well as big events you'll want to avoid. I recall shifting dates to avoid something in Warsaw.

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8 posts

Some people go to Krakow for a rest during the long weekend, they visit the sights, but it's not that bad, there are more people in summer. Be sure to check out Discover Cracow when you will be in Krakow - their guides are a mine of knowledge.

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19 posts

Thank you. We are traveling in Poland and Germany for 3 weeks. I am leaning toward doing Germany first for approx 8-9 days then Poland for 12-13 days. Hubby's family is from Poland, so saving best for last! Will definitely check out all the suggestions mentioned

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89 posts

Remeber that May 1 and May 3 are public holidays in Poland. So expect some shops, some museums and some other places to be closed / open shorter hours and the city communication running according to the holiday schedules.

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242 posts

Although this site is great for some info, TripAdvisor has city expert boards. I found that the Krakow experts made my trip so much better as they are "on the ground" and know the city very well. I also used them while I was there with questions like "Where are the Milk Bars located, where are some great places to buy Polish pottery, etc."

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7052 posts

You should also consider visiting Warsaw (caveat - I grew up there so I'm biased), but there are many interesting sites (Old Town, museums, parks) to see there as well. TripAdvisor Things To Do in each city has a great menu of activities/attractions. Also, if you can, include some smaller towns/villages as well (there's more to Poland than just the big cities). Here's some info for Poland: (Warsaw city guide) (downloadable Warsaw brochures in PDF format) (various city walking tours) (train) (train) (bus)

Posted by
19 posts

Have seen several references in forums for the in your pocket. Sounds like a good resource.
Additional question - We are not big city people. We would prefer to stay in a small town and do day trips into the cities. I know, that's opposite of everyone else! Any suggestions for towns outside Krakow, Gdansk, and Warsaw?

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8293 posts

One year my husband and I drove from Paris through Germany to Frankfurt/Oder, on the Polish border, in the month of May. Asparagus was on the menu in every restaurant in Germany .... there was usually even a separate menu for the asparagus items, a "spargelmenu". If I have misspelled that no doubt Lee will let me know. Anyway, if you like asparagus, lucky you.

Posted by
123 posts

31 May will be the Feast of Corpus Christi. In many places there are processions on the streets.