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Szczecin Poland

Hello! Does anybody have any recommendation or thoughts on hotels in Szczecin? Just one night. On my way from Berlin to Gdansk. Hopefully near the historic section and/or train station. Late June, 2025. Thanks in advance.

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25 posts

Hi Jim!
Try Hotel Halo Szczecin. Ideal for one night. Good value for money.

We are going on such a route this Sunday, together with my guests, and we are staying in this hotel.

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14767 posts

Assuming you have time and the day light, obviously, in June 2025, which is when I'll be back over there, I would suggest checking out the old town of Szczecin. The city known as Stettin was the province capital of Pomerania.

In July of 2003 we had to change trains in Szczecin , the 2nd change en route from Berlin to Gdansk, we had 30 mins. I was left watching the luggage on the platform while the Mrs. went off making the most of the 30 mins to explore Szczecin.

It was a very eye-opening and revealing ride from Berlin to Gdansk , all the more so, after changing in Szczecin, taking the route along the Baltic and seeing that Pomeranian landscape.

Then the entire ride Berlin to Gdansk took 9.5 hours

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92 posts

The plan as of the moment is to take a bus from Berlin to Szczecin (unless friends I am visiting in Berlin offer to drive me there!). On Sunday morning. Bus is about 90 minutes. Be there by about noon. Day will be long, being later June. Have the afternoon and evening to wander through the old town and the waterfront. Then a morning train on Monday over to Gdansk, being there by later afternoon. The RS tour begins on Tuesday afternoon.