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Schindler Factory and KrakowCard

I have to start thinking seriously about getting tickets for the Schindler Factory and am also considering the Krakow Card. From this website, people have said even with the card you still need to make reservations for a time. I've emailed them a couple times to see how to do this if you buy the card online but haven't gotten any response. When I look online at the museum site, there is only one time available for the day I think I'd want to go. Is this one of those things where tour companies buy up a lot of the reserved times and then release them later (as happens for the Last Supper in Milan), so that when I show up in town, I can reserve a day or two ahead of time when I buy the KrakowCard? Or better to give up using the card for this and get whatever time I can right now? Anybody have recent experience with this? For reference, it'll be the first week of September.

(The backup plan is to sign up for a tour, but I'm not a tour person esp. in museums. A walking tour would be fine but I prefer my own pace in museums).

Thank you.

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440 posts

Never mind. I found a US phone number to call. It was a little hard to understand the set up, but it seems that when you reserve online for the museum, you are only reserving the time and not paying for the ticket. They gave me a place to pick up the ticket beforehand and I suppose then I'll pay for it and pick up the KrakowCard if still interested. (I'm probably not still interested, but plans could change). At least I think this is how it will work.

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5624 posts

Hi KC - thank you for reporting back for the benefit of others! I didn't buy a Krakow card when I was there, so couldn't offer any help. I'm glad you figured it out, and again - thanks for your update!

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440 posts

I'll let you know when I get back if I was right or not. No promises for now.

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28 posts

Hi, KC, could you clarify a couple of points? I have my reservation for the Schindler tour in mid September and understand that I will pay when I pick up the tickets. Where did they tell you to pick up the tickets (somewhere other than the regular ticket booth?). And would you mind sharing the US phone number you found? Thanks very much.

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176 posts

When I ordered tickets for the Schindler Museum last August, this is the information about picking them up that I received in the confirmation email:

"To receive your booking, please report at the Museum’s ticket office 10 minutes before 09:40 at the latest or earlier in Visitor Centre, Main Market Square 1 (entrance in Cloth Hall, opposite Szewska street)."

9:40 was our entry time, but we picked up and paid for the tickets at the Cloth Hall the day before, glad we did since when we got to the Museum there was a lineup at the ticket office.

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440 posts

Judys- Heck if I can find that phone number again. It was in New York though. If I come across it, I'll post, but the reservation I got had the same note that Khrysta mentioned. Either pick up ahead of time on the day of, or get it earlier at the site near the Cloth Hall, which is what I intend to do because I'm getting up early enough as it is. The main thing is that this doesn't have to be paid for ahead of time so I'm hoping if I want to buy one of these special packages (KrakowCard, or any other that includes more than one site) that it can be done at the time of pickup.

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176 posts

KC, the Visitor Centre is right in the Cloth Hall, among all the kiosks selling souvenirs, we had to really look for it, it is small and no signs pointing it out. But we were glad we found it, we walked in, paid and got our tickets without any waiting, and as I mentioned when we got to the Museum the next morning there was a lineup at the ticket office but we were able to go right in.

We took the tram and found the walk from the tram to Museum was farther than we expected, we would not have arrived there 10 minutes early. When we came out of the Museum several hours later, the lineup went all the way down the street.