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Gdansk vs Wroclaw

Our itenerary is getting there for Sept/Oct.!!
Krackow 6 nights (one day to Auschwitz)
Zakopane for 3 nights
Then trying to decide to take a train to Wroclaw or head all the way to Gdansk. Looks like Wroclaw is about a 5 hour trip from Zakopane and Gdansk about 7-8 hours. Both towns sound very nice. Im thinking 3-4 nights in either and then head to Warsaw
for 2-3 nights before flying out. My impression is that Gdansk may offer more variety of things along the baltic but I know its very touristy (even the end of sept./first Oct.?).

I want to see the WW11 museum but not a big museum person(attention deficit!). So I like wondering around seeing the sites, trying local food, I love to rent bikes and explore.
It's our first time in Poland. We are in our 70s but pretty fit so walking is not a problem.

Any thoughts appreciated. I know Carlos and others find Wroclaw their favorite but Gdansk seems to be drawing us in that direction!!
Thank you

Posted by
1900 posts

I visited both cities in 2019, and I liked them both very much, but Gdansk is a clear favorite for me.

I think, though, you could do both. Six nights is a lot for Krakow. You could do one of the following:

4 nights Krakow
3 nights Wroclaw
3 nights Gdansk


5 nights Krakow
2 nights Wroclaw
3 nights Gdansk

Whatever you decide, you won't go wrong. Enjoy your trip!

Posted by
60 posts

Thanks Lane The second option may be a good one for us! I need to explore this more.

Posted by
4187 posts

I agree with Lane. We visited both cities and each has it’s charm and sights to see.
We stayed 6 nights in Krakow but 5 would have been fine. We then went to Wroclaw (2 nights), Gdansk (3 nights), Warsaw (4 nights).
The trains are wonderful in Poland. We did splurge for 1st class tickets, the cost wasn’t outrageous. We figured since we can’t fly 1st class, we could train 1st class.

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1101 posts

I had Wroclaw under consideration for a recent trip, but dropped it as it was an outlier from the Gdansk-Warsaw-Krakow corridor, I didn't want to devote the additional time for travel, and it appeared a bit too similar to Krakow.

Gdansk, due to its setting and architecture, will offer a nice contrast to Krakow, and the seafood can be excellent. I found it less touristy than Krakow. For the WWII museum, if you get the audio guide it may take approx. 3 hours to get through it - you may need to skip ahead if your focus starts to flag. But the audio guide is worth it.

And allow for time in Warsaw - it will be a big city experience, quite different from Krakow and Gdansk. If you stay at the RS recommended Chopin Boutique B&B you will have a unique cultural experience, especially if you get to chat with Jarek, the proprietor.

Posted by
2761 posts

No contest — go to Gdańsk. It’s one of my favorite towns in Europe.

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4680 posts

I like Lane’s second option myself, except I would suggest adding a couple of nights if possible.
5 nights Krakow
2-3 nights Zakopane
2 nights Wrocław
4 nights Gdansk
4 nights Warsaw

Posted by
60 posts

Thanks again everyone for your insight.
Have any of you done Zakopane Is a day trip from Krackow enough? We do like to hike and bike so I thought 2 days 3 nights would be about right. I also imagine the food may be slightly different from Krackow? We will do Gdansk and skip Wroclaw this trip. Any suggestions for a hotel in Gdansk. We really appreciate all the help.

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1101 posts

Any suggestions for a hotel in Gdansk.

I stayed at Hotel Admiral in April - it is just off Fish Market Square [location of the merry-go-round] on a quiet street - just a block from the water, yet an easy walk to the touristic center. I was told that the RS tours stay there. Amazing breakfast buffet.

For a good restaurant, try Polpietro, just down the street.

Posted by
139 posts

I've been to Zakopane, Gdansk and Wroclaw. All three are certainly worth visiting but if it's a case of either or between Gdansk and Wroclaw, my vote would be Gdansk all the way. Quite possibly my favourite place I visited in Poland.

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4187 posts

We stayed at the Medusa Boutique Hotel which is just across the walkway over the water. The rooms were reasonable priced and very clean. Nice breakfast.
We ate 2x at Barylka, in Rick’s book. Very close to the hotel.

Posted by
14833 posts

Having been there, I vote for Gdansk but admittedly have not visited Wroclaw.

In Gdansk you have not only the wonderful, intriguing city to explore, especially the Old City, but also the immediate environs in the lower Vistula area. That in and of itself is worth the trip to Gdansk.

Not all towns were devastated in 1945, Gniew came through intact and undamaged. Several towns I would recommend in the lower Vistula area, both those unscathed from 1945 and those reconstructed.

Posted by
74 posts

We spent 3 day/4 nights in Gdansk, 4 day/5nights in Kracow in the summer of 2023.

Stayed at Gotyk House right on one of the oldest street in Gdansk. That street is busy during the day, I took morning walks (6am), the place is absolutely enchanting, almost like going through a time machine back to the 1600's. Do not miss Museum of the WWII and Solidarity Center (visit them in that order if possible). Both museums are well laid out, engaging, some of the best ones we have ever visited. Food are amazing in Gdansk, both traditional and international options, all authentic. Certain places are busy with tourists-along the river and on main streets, however not in a tacky way. It is a lively and breathing town.

Loved Kracow. We stayed in an apartment on st. mary's square, next to the big square where Cloth Hall is. The smaller square is quieter, we watched street shows on the square from our windows.

The country gave me the impression of Austrian/German efficiency, very friendly people. Amazing food.

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1026 posts

Having spent time this week in Gdansk, Warsaw and Krakow, I can say we have loved Gdansk and Krakow (see what I did there?).

Seriously, Gdańsk and Krakow are quite different, but both are beautiful, especially within the Stare Miasto of each city. Gdańsk has more impressive and important museums, but the Bazylika Mariacka (St Mary Basilica) in Krakow has probably the most ornately decorated nave I have ever seen. Stunning. And the Wawel Castle is a very impressive, though architecturally messy, fortress on a hill that has many attractions. Food in both cities has been excellent, assuming one enjoys Polish cuisine (I do, very much). Don't order pizza, though, unless you like really thick crust.

I wish now that we'd also put Wrocław on our itinerary, perhaps in place of Salzburg. I doubt we'll make it back to Poland, unfortunately.

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60 posts

Again Thanks to all for the valuable input.
We leave on Sept 3 and arrive in Poland Mid September. Soooo looking forward to seeing Poland. You all have added to the bounty of knowledge that we now have and I will certainly add our thoughts when we return in Nov.

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60 posts

A portion of the trip is by car. Munich-Munich for two weeks where we do the Dolimites.
No car in Poland except perhaps one day from Warsaw to see where ancestors came from.
Two weeks in Slovenia by car.
Two week rental from Venice-Venice to visit Tuscany.
It's a bit complicated but I think it will work out nicely.
There you go!