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Change trains in Poznan

Hello, I’ll be traveling from Berlin to Gdańsk tomorrow with a change of trains in Poznan. My ticket says I only have five minutes to make my connection. Anyone have any tips on how to pull this off?
Thanks a million-

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23534 posts

Not familar with Poznan but often at these station you get off your train and walk across the platform to the next train. Get ready early, have luggage in hand, and be standing in line to exit prior to the train stopping. Know you train number for the next train. If there is a train waiting at the platform, ask someone where that train is going. If not, go to head of platform and check the departure board for your train. Will not be far away.

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237 posts

There are direct trains from Berlin to Gdańsk, why are you travelling with a change?

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11 posts

Thanks, Frank! Did as you said and we made the train with two minutes to spare.