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When to return car rental in Bergen to catch 11:49am train (to Oslo)

My friend and I have mostly planned our upcoming trip to Norway but one question I still have is how much time to leave to return a rental car if we're going to catch a train. I'm not that experienced with car rental, let alone international, and some of my experiences have involved pretty significant rental company snafus. If we wanted to catch an 11:49am train, and it looks like there's a 45 minute tram ride from the airport, should I put 9am down as the return time? I prefer to get up early rather than sweat missing a train. Any tips would be welcome.

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9991 posts

Do you mean that you are returning the car at an airport rental location ? Where are you staying / coming from ?

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27 posts

Yes, it looks like most of the car rental places are down by the airport (but presumably not RIGHT at the airport so I guess there's also the question of getting from the car rental place to the tram station). We're planning to stay in Norheimsund the night before, which appears to be a pretty straight shot back to Bergen. Thanks!

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27 posts

Thanks EC, I just tried out matching the pick up and drop off times and that dropped $75 off the price!

KD, I've had experiences like that where I'm not the renter/driver so I'm aware of those possibilities. Just hoping some experienced renters can tell me how long they usually budget for that kind of thing, time-wise.