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Vegetarian in Voss

Beloved spouse is a vegetarian. We went to a local grocery store and looked for some of her usual protein sources. She typically eats “Beyond Meat” products, “Field Roast” products or Tofu. We couldn’t identify any of these or equivalents in the aisles. We tried to read the labels but our limited language skills failed us. The store clerk gave it a shot but was unable to help us. Do any of you have any suggestions?
She made do with eggs and lentils, but I’d like to help her out.
Thanks for all your help.

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2898 posts

Did you try to use translation apps for reading the labels, e. g. DeepL or Google Translate?

Norwegians are normally very willing to help. You might ask also other people in the store for help.

HappyCow shows two places for veggie food.

This article can also help - some tips in the bottom section.

Posted by
154 posts

Yes. We tried the translation apps and the Norwegian people are great.

I think one the great things about this forum is that you all are also great - and - it’s easier to process information in a written form and in a more relaxed atmosphere.

By the way - why did nobody tell me that you can’t buy beer after 6:00 PM on Saturday?

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2898 posts

OK, caught me. I don't drink alcohol. So, also news to me after a few weeks long journeys.

I just knew that selling harder alcohol is centralised through Vinmonopolet.

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6865 posts

Tofu should not be hard to find, I'm a bit surprised you couldn't find any. I've never heard of “Beyond Meat” or “Field Roast” so I assume those are some North American brands. I you are looking for meat substitutes a couple of brands you can look for are Hälsans kök, Anamma, Liv Laga, Go Vegan or Grønne folk.

By the way - why did nobody tell me that you can’t buy beer after 6:00
PM on Saturday?

Because you didn't ask. And you can buy beer any time you want (as long as the store is open), but only with 2.7 % alcohol or less. Supermarkets may also sell beer with up to 4.7 % alcohol, but not after 20:00 on weekdays or after 18:00 on Saturdays, and not at all on Sundays. For beers with even more alcohol you need to visit Vinmonopolet.

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154 posts

Thank you for your help. The brand names will give us some clues. She got a vegan burger at the pub in Flam today, so all is well.

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2898 posts

Info: Beyond Meat also made its way into German supermarkets, Of course this does not mean that they made their way into any other European country. It is not IKEA. ;-)

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154 posts

“Beyond Meat” is a brand name for textured vegetable protein - rice and peas mostly, I think. “Field Roast” is wheat gluten. Obviously, tofu is made from soy. We are very adept at procuring and preparing these at home. We underestimated the challenge of solving the problem while hungry, jet-lagged and late. I should have done a better job of research. In any case, we are now properly rested and fed. We’ll manage from here

BTW - Norway is super!