Hello! I am travelling to Tromso alone this summer for 3 days. I really want to do this hike: Brosmetinden. I have rented a car and plan to stop along the way to go swimming and see the fjords. I am wondering if this is a safe enough/ populated enough hike to do alone. Is there anything I should bring with me?
I am far from being a hiking specialist but likely this web page about practical hiking tips from VisitNorway can help.
Weather is always a critical siccess factor for activities in Norway. Weather forecasts by yr.no are reliable max. 48 hours.
I would vote for an extra health transport / evacuation insurance if you do not have one. Rescue from end of the world can become expensive.
What do you mean by "safe enough"? Crime is not a real issue in these parts of Norway and most books for crime movies are written by Swedish authors. I would inform minimum the reception of the hotel what you plan to do and when you intend to be back.