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Train & Ferry or Rental Car: which is more economical?

We're in our late 60's, prefer to travel independently, and presently planning & costing a 3 wk trip through Scandinavia in mid-July 2021. If any forum members have already researched this, can you please share your results with us? Thanking you in advance!!

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286 posts

I will have to disagree with Tom a bit. The train from Oslo to Bergen across the Hardanger Vida is spectacular. An off the beaten path trip is to take the Telemark Canal from Skien to Dalen in Telemark. Skien is a couple of hour train ride from Oslo. Spend the night in the 19th Century hotel in Dalen and then take the bus to Bergen.

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3 posts

Thank you all for your help and advice!
Every travel book I've read says that Scandinavia is very expensive which is why I'm doing a comparison between organised tours and traveling independently. I didn't mention that we're from Australia, so due to current travel costs and exchange rates, this part of the world may be unaffordable for us but hoping we can make it happen in 2021.
Will most likely have to reconsider the dates we travel. We prefer to escape our winters but that's Scandinavia's high season.

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3 posts

Thanks Tom! You're right, there's always ways to budget better in terms of accommodation & meals!
Kind regards to everyone for your help and advice.