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Sognefjord Roadtrip in October

My boyfriend and I are planning a trip to Norway during the first week of October. We’ve studied the chapters about the Sognefjord area, but we’re a little overwhelmed with how much there is to do in the countryside.

From what we’ve read the key things are to see a Stave Church, Fjords, and glaciers.

We would love to do a short day hike (4 miles, 6 kilometers max) and are interested in any fun stops to break up the long drives.

We have 4 full days to see the countryside before we need to get to Bergen to fly home.

Here is our plan so far. Is there anything big we’re missing? Do the number of activities per day seem reasonable? Is it typically safe to drive these roads in early October? Thanks!!

Day 1

Drive from Oslo to Aurlandsvangen.

Sleep in Aurlandsvangen.

Day 2

Take the ferry through the Aurlands Fjord and Nærøyfjord.

Bus back to Flam.

Drive to the Borgund stave church.

Take the snow road to Fjærland.

Sleep in Fjærland.

Day 3

Take a ferry/cruise to see the Bøyabreen glacier

Sleep in Fjærland.

Day 4

Drive Balestrand -> Vikøyri -> Hopperstad Stave Church -> Voss -> Bergen

Sleep in Bergen

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2898 posts

Did you check the prices for one-way car rentals?

Day 2 looks little unsorted. Do you really mean Fjærland at end of D2?

Number of activities per day seems reasonable. Another key thing are waterfalls. On last day you will pass Tvindefossen. With a little detour you can also experience driving down a steep narrow serpentine road: Stalheimskleiva.

October is late but begin of month streets shall be OK. Weather can be cold and rainy.

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3 posts

Thanks MarkK for your reply!

  • The one-way car rental is more expensive, but we decided to bite the bullet so we could do the drive from Sognefjord to Bergen and spend a day in Bergen.

  • You’re right. Day 2 should’ve been:
Take the ferry through the Aurlands Fjord and Nærøyfjord.
    Bus back to Flam.
    Take the snow road to the Borgund stave church.
    Drive to Fjærland.
    Sleep in Fjærland.

  • We will definitely add the waterfalls you mentioned to our itinerary!

  • Thanks for clarifying that the Fodnes ferry run all year in my accidental duplicate post. I assume this means the Hella to Vangsnes ferry also runs all year?

We’re considering staying in Aurlandsvangen another night and moving some of our Day 2 activities to Day 3 so we can sleep in a bit more on Day 2.

Day 2

10:30 - 14:00 Take the bus from Flam to Gudvangen, take the Ferry back to Flam

14:30 - 15:30 Drive to Borgund Stave Church via the tunnel

15:30 - 17:00 Visit Borgund Stave Church

Drive back and sleep in Aurlandsvangen

Day 3

Drive to Fjærland via the Snow Road

See Bøyabreen Glacier

Sleep near Fjærland