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Sognefjord/Aurland - Points of Interest for a Free Day?

Hi everyone,

My fiancee and I are planning our honeymoon in Norway for this September. We currently have 3 days planned in Aurland and the surrounding area. We currently have a day free and would love to hear your ideas on how to fill it! I'll add what we already have planned here, we'll be staying in Aurlandsvangen all three nights:

Day 1: Drive from Bergen to Flam

  • Spending the afternoon in Undredal before heading to our hotel Aurlandsvangen
  • Evening: Stegastein Viewpoint

Day 2: Flam - Gudvangen Cruise (Return Trip)
- This will take up most of our day but our evening is open

Day 3: Completely Open! What should we do?

Day 4: Flamsbana Train in the Morning & Drive to Odda

  • We'll be hiking Trolltunga the next day :)

Some notes:

  • Some areas/things we're interested in or considering: Sognefjord (not sure where's best to explore the fjord better), Balestrand, Fjærland, we do enjoy hiking and/or water-sports like kayaking, we also love spending time in smaller villages and not just the key spots, we can swap days as nothing is set in stone other than our lodging :)
  • We're not afraid of a long drive/longer drive for a day trip
  • We'll have a car the whole time
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7866 posts

We stayed farther north, in Hafslo, but if you drove north from Flåm, took the ferry across to Kaupanfer, then farther north to Gaupne, then up to the interesting Breheimsenteret museum and the Nigardsbreen glacier. We hiked there last September.

A few miles north of Gaupne, along the Lustrafjord, is the town of Luster, with a very nice bakery/cafe, next door to the Dale Church.

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2927 posts

Day 2: end with brewery tour.

Idea: Put day 4 as day 3 incl. Stalheimskleiva without ending in Odda, maybe Voss (visit Folk Museum), Norheimsund or Utne. The ferry rides to / from Utne are very scenic.

Use free day around Hardanger fjord and do not miss crossing Hardanger Bridge and visiting Vøringsfossen before ending in Odda.

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2927 posts

It is also a scenic road called Aurlandsfjellet. From my personal opinion I do not see special points of interests there except Stegastein. Open for any personal experiences of other travelers what was their good experience in detail on this road.