Wondering if anyone has experience booking through fjordtours.com?
We'e leaving Oslo by train to Mydral/Flam, staying overnight in Flam, then continuing the next day on to Bergen.
This options seems to work: https://www.norwaynutshell.com/original-tour/?_gl=1*10w73iu*_ga*NTc5MTM0ODkwLjE2NTE0NDk0NzY.*_ga_989RXZWRV3*MTY1MTYwMTk4MS40LjAuMTY1MTYwMTk4MS4w&_ga=2.55937320.2062037595.1651541069-579134890.1651449476
We get the benefit of the train/boat trips where we want to go, but don't have to commit to a longer package. Any feedback much appreciated.