My partner and I are looking at going to Iceland and Norway for 12 days in October. I’m considering 5 days in Norway and 7 in Iceland. I’m also willing to add 2 more days onto our trip so we have more time in each country.
We are looking at flying into Oslo and doing a 5 day diy Norway in a Nutshell Hardangerford or Geirangerford tour, traveling by train and ferry. Then 7 days in Iceland focusing on the ring of fire and golden circle, in a camper van. I found a very affordable flight with Norwegian air to get between Oslo and Reykjavik. We would be flying back home from Reykjavik.
Has anyone done a similar trip to this? Did you find that flying into one country and out another was economical?
I’ve never been to this part of the world and don’t really know what I’m doing.