Planning a trip to Norway and other Scandinavian sites. We're thinking of a June 21 start date in Norway. While the days will be long, is that too early in the season weather wise?
Planning a trip to Norway and other Scandinavian sites. We're thinking of a June 21 start date in Norway. While the days will be long, is that too early in the season weather wise?
I arrived on July 4 several years ago. The weather was perfect except for a few hours of torrential rain in Oslo.
We arrived June 8 after spending a week in Iceland. It was fine. I only remember one rainy day in Bergen and another in Oslo. And great weather in between in Balestrand and Solvorn. The rain wasn't deluge rain like Florida. Just misty and drizzly. We didn't need anything more than a fleece and the occasional rain jacket. Oh, we did need our down jackets on the Nigardsbreen Glacier which we had brought for Iceland.
It's never too early to visit Scandinavia. But it all depends on what you are looking for.
Based on my difficulty finding hotel rooms for June, I'd say there are many, many people who think that's a fine time of year to be in Norway! Actually, given the seemingly limited availability of air conditioning in budget hotels, I guess I should be hoping it isn't too hot.
If you want to take a look at actual, day-by-day, historical weather data over the last ten years or so, you can find it on the website
Definitely look at more than one year's worth of data.
For the big picture, especially concerning precipitation ("How much wetter is Bergen than Oslo?"), I use the climate chart appearing in most cities' Wikipedia entries.
We did a wonderful 11 day cruise out of Copenhagen of Norway to the North Cape in 2019 that started in mid-June. The weather was perfect.
From what our guides told us there was a bad snowstorm in early June that blocked some of the roads on our first excursion out of Geiranger.
Our trip to Scandinavia starts this year on May19 and ends on June9 in Bergen. We wanted to ensure that we were touring while the kids were still in school. Sweden to Denmark to Norway. We have been watching the weather and it looks the same as here in Oregon....maybe a little warmer. We will dress in layers if it is cold, and bring our light raingear. Since we live in Oregon we have web feet, have skiis on our feet at least once a week in the winter, and expect no more than what we would face here!
Can't wait! We contacted long lost Norwegian cousins and they cant wait either!
We were in Stockholm 6 nights starting April 8, 2022, followed by 4 in Oslo, 1 in Flam for fjord trip, 1 in Bergen, 4 in Copenhagen and back to Stockholm to fly out. Despite Accuweather predictions of rain and clouds, we had spectacular blue skies nearly every day all day. Snow groundcover in the mountains of Norway, yes, but spring flowers most everywhere else. The most layering we needed was a sweatshirt and rain parka on the fjords boat (windy), never used my down vest. On the Flamsbana train, our train car had 8 people in it. We could jump up and go from one side to the other for a better view or photos. On the fjord boat, capacity 400, there were 350-360 tickets still available for that day's journey. Off season is awesome. If you want to hike or camp in the mountains, snowcover might be a problem, but otherwise, even April was not too early.
My thanks to all for your responses. Looks like June should be no problem (unless rain).
Thanks again.